Tyler Wanda Morris was the first to offer the train to the airport. You have to go to the doctor. You are welcome to also take the Tyler Wanda Morris to the doctor.
Thank Ghandi that the Tyler Wanda Morris was able to take me to the grocery store.
an amazing and beautiful person and an even better mutual😘😘kinda famous or whatevaa
honestly dying though 🙂🔫
wandas..actualwife is sooo pretty and nice
Wanda Estrada is a rich person that likes to spend it on $hit that they dont need. Also, at times she is nice and different. Wanda Estrada is a cool person that is fun to hang out with. Wanda Estrada also joind weird groups that people like kiyan are in.
Wanda Estrada is a cool person this my best friend.
A female woman with a vagina that is much looser than your average wear and tear.
“You don’t want to fuck that chick ese, she’s all Wacka Wanda.”
putting your finger inside of a bloody vagina and putting it in somebody's ear
after a hard round of anal sex while on my period my boyfriend decided to put a finger in my vagina and stick it in my ear hence the strawberry wet Wanda
A William afton irl who went off the rails some time ago, and they were genuinely problematic in every way.
“Bro Ur committing a Wanda afton irl”
A Mbali Wanda is a unique type of Mbali. They are attractive and unbelievably talented
Yoh that girl is good at everything she is definitely a Mbali Wanda