When you are about to kill someone and they inadvertently stop you by mentioning the name of your mother causing you a complete breakdown and to lose the fight
Alan: I canβt believe Batman didnβt kill Superman just because their moms happen to have the same name.
Sam: Yeah dude he totally had a Martha Moment.
She deserved so much better.
John Laurens' wife who had his only child and died the year before he did at the age of 24. Poor girl.
Friend: Omg, my boyfriend just knocked me up and ran away to join the army and I haven't seen him since!
Me: Martha Manning, is that you?
When a man with a hooked purple dick tries to slap you across the face.
'That Miller dude ran around the room trying to give us a Martha mayhem.'
7π 3π
First you fuck a girl all night long. Then you wake up extra early and leave a rose in front of her face and a hot steamy pile of shit in back of her and then leave. When she wakes up at her normal time she will smell the sweet rose and roll over in ecstacy thinking about the night before only to find that she has just shoved her nose in a pile of stinky shit.
A Steamy Martha is a good way to let your girl know that it's over.
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A crazy old woman that likes to wear bubushkas and keeps her nylons rolled down to her ankles. Can often be found hanging out near all-girl Catholic schools in her spare time. Likes the finer things in life such as a half-drunk can of warm Old Milwaukee and a few random cigarette butts that were found outside the local probation office. Has a terrific appetite for cupcakes and cheese.
My Aunt Martha just sent me a birthday card with a shiny new quarter inside of it.
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Where us hermits go in the winter and build boats in our woodshop and just smoke A LOT of dope. But really though, we island kids just sit around all year waiting for summertime/ rich kids to come down so we can make "friends" with them, take them for all that they're worth, party at their houses, and fuck their hot moms. The island is where money meets the thresh-hold of man-eating natives. And we hate all you tourists, by the way. We are not your friends. In addition to this... most of our "island characters" reside in oak bluffs (one of the disco dirtier towns)you may know them as....
Scrubby(man in extremely flithy yellow trench/raincoat/suit, who sits hunched squatted on the streets smoking cigarettes and living atop the movie theater (watchout!)) Hamburger(the older black gentelman who spends the majority of his days sitting on the picnic benches next to Gio's (who might i add has the best pizza on the island) he also has recently invested in a new red truck, an upgrade from his brown pick-up, filled with garbage. In the off season, he purposely does something to land him in jail for the next few months until the weather gets warm. Cheap Ass. Leroy (L-ROY formaly... previously lived in a shack behind a friends house... that we toilet papered the SHit out of... used to ride his bike around with a case of beer, talk about easy driving, now lives in a halfway house and drives a maroon something or other. Bumble Bee (BBBUZZZZZ His first name is Colin, and rides a bike. enough said.) EVERYONE knows everyone so all you summer fools watch ya backkkkkkkkkkkk yo, you think the gingerbread houses are made out of ginga bread ya dead wrong, you think ink well is a "nice" beach ya dead wrong, you think Mad Marthas is angry ya dead wrong, you think black dog is cool ya dead wrong, you think biking around the island is groovy ya dead wrong,if you think we're RAD...you're probably right. We are not all indians, we live in real houses, live real lives, have real families, and we're coming to a city near you soon... because we can't afford to live here anymore. Rich pricks. By the way Billy your house is RAD...thanks for the great new years eve party....hope next year the riffels don't get pulled out as the gats did this year.love yah Everybody here wang chung tonight
D: hey girl, you wanna go down town and score some rich kids?
J: Oh fo hella sho!
"let's go hit the pool"-Jim powell
"Yo, i went to this killer beach party the other night on martha's vineyard, got busted up by some po-po's"
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Heather:Martha dumptruck in the flesh
Heather:here comes the cootie squad
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