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Poseur photo album

A poseur's highlight reel frame by frame.

This is the poseur's skiing trip, this is her scuba diving trip, this is her college graduation,she just showed everybody the highlight reels frame by frame instead of projected as a continuous motion picture. A poseur photo album if I ever saw one.

by The Original Agahnim December 27, 2022

Album Cover

Something that is Album Cover worthy

That is album cover worthy

by Brancode August 14, 2023

kanye west new album

One who gives favor to oxidized iron. Oxidised iron is king, oxidised iron is god, the one an only. Hail to the King

i have listened to kanye west new album

by Gorrilaz stan June 27, 2022

Aux Album

An album that whenever you hit shuffle on the aux everybody will like

ASTROWORLD is an Aux Album

by SadMachin3 September 10, 2023


Melissa’s Ambulance

“If someone pours boiling water we’d be able to leave this, you and me would be able to go on a trip in an albumance” - Melissa

by baileyheary April 26, 2023

New album dropping


New album dropping

by Homersah January 25, 2022

Duo Album

When a artist drops two albums back to back that are both above a 5

Kendrick Lamar has a Duo Album with GKMC and TPAB

by MaadDavis September 1, 2020