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Super gay guy

Tries to come at you in all gay ways
Stay away from him at any cost.

Aman, are you Aman(gay).

by BadiLully November 15, 2023


Aman is the perfect guy who has the best personality ever, he's extremly hot and charismatic , smart honest and funny. I always wanna be with him because he's the most amazing person in the world and he's all mine.
When I saw aman for the first time I knew it was the right one...

I love aman so much

by amanasty November 23, 2021


he's a siffat's bff. He's a cute, funny, caring amd stupid boi who'll always be there for u no matter what the circumstances be.. he's a best friend

Aman in right now reading this and thanking siffat....

by Taffis December 4, 2020


Aman is a dangerous guy doesnt like to cut his nails but he is cute and lovely caring guy he has your back

Aman is there for u

by Aman the jatt March 20, 2021


A guy who has no other life other than to type -df in a dicord server

bruh john is such a aman

by sadcat1234 July 12, 2021


The one who won’t give a fuck about your opinion.

Look Aman, let’s shut the fuck up.

by Uparvala November 24, 2021


Aman is an amazing person. He is friendly, loyal, kind, caring and very cuddly. He is always there for the people he loves. He never judge anyone, always sees the good in people.

Aman has a great heart and the most perfect hair!

Did you see Aman's hair? His curls are so dreamy!

by Lolo18 September 29, 2021