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Friendly book worm devours a book in a few days. Laughs and is loyal to you can be loud and over excited.but you like him a lot.

Hello Amin

Hi bro

by lovemyself.com February 2, 2017


Usually a word for chode, used in a less offensive context

Person A: “your an idiot shut your bitch ass up
Person B: “what an amin
Person A: “yea that’s my name…?”
Person B: “bc your a chode”

by Bike Lovin’ mf August 28, 2024


Usually a biker kid, also good with cars. These guys are overall nice but piss him off and he’ll tell you to go suck a dick in no uncertain terms. These are dudes with no respect for the law if it gets in the way of their fun. And on the topic of fun, Amin is the ultimate playboy and has like ten hoes at one time

Person A: Who the fuck is that who just passed me on the highway?
Person B: It’s Amin of course, he’s going 60 miles an hour on his dirt bike running from the damn cops

by Bike Lovin’ mf May 9, 2024


Amin is the most likable Gen Z kid you’ll ever meet even when he’s cursing like a drunken sailor. Often smaller in stature but a giant in wits and abilities. Pulls hoes of all shapes and sizes with his sandy hair and seductive winking. Dudes named Amin are likely to be masters of everything they try, so much so that they may be a big head, but there’s no denying they know their shit. Criticizing him is a bad idea as he will tell you to fuck off in no uncertain terms. You will see Amin in a fast car, or some kind of electric bike - probably a Razor dirt bike he modified for completely illegally high speeds - at all times. Don’t challenge him to a race or he will positively embarrass your ass.

Person A: “Holy shit, who just came by and embarrassed my Lambo?”
Person B: “Oh that’s just Amin, I guess he tried putting that 200 amp controller in his Razor

by Bike Lovin’ mf March 13, 2024


Amin is the most likable Gen Z kid you’ll ever meet even when he’s cursing like a drunken sailor. Often smaller in stature but a giant in wits and abilities. Pulls hoes of all shapes and sizes with his sandy hair and seductive winking. Dudes named Amin are likely to be masters of everything they try, so much so that they may be a big head, but there’s no denying they know their shit. Criticizing him is a bad idea as he will tell you to fuck off in no uncertain terms. You will see Amin in a fast car, or some kind of electric bike - probably a Razor dirt bike he modified for completely illegally high speeds - at all times. Don’t challenge him to a race or he will positively embarrass your ass.

Person A: “Holy shit, what was that that just came by and embarrassed my Lambo?”
Person B: “Oh that’s Amin, I guess he tried putting that 200 amp controller in his Razor

by Bike Lovin’ mf March 13, 2024



Amin is my father

by Asdfgynmongh;) November 23, 2021


Is a donkey

Amin is a donkey. That’s it. That’s the definition.

by November 21, 2021