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Audio Jack(ass)

(noun) A person when, upon gaining the sound system, puts on either music you don’t like, ear rape, rickrolls, or other generally bad noises.

“Stop being such an audio jack(ass)”

by MaybeARealWord March 31, 2021


the name of a person i saw on tiktok she posts stuff about Sally Face shes cool ig

hey look its Audio

by apersonwhopostthings November 20, 2021

audio book

Peices of shit that try to be like books on devices but fail

Audio book

by Dogeusername March 20, 2018

audio cave

when you put on headphones to shut out the f*in world!

dude 1: dude, where's jon?
dude 2: oh he's in an audio cave, he's having a bad day.

by theDutch March 17, 2010

Audio Recording

One of the three features that Urban Dictionary made available in the three dots,
but it cannot be used, for some reason.
Try it out by yourself.

Why would they put an audio recording option if it can't be used...

by LacℜoiX January 31, 2019

Audio Supreme

The act of a man sticking his pp in a girls ear.

Jimmy: “hey did you hear about Billy? He gave Jessica a crazy audio supreme.”
Craig: “yeah I heard she’s got an ear infection now”

by Frankflowers777 September 19, 2021

Audio Supreme

When a man sticks his cock inside a girls ear.

“Did you hear about Billy? He gave Jessica the audio supreme last night but now she’s got an ear infection

by Frankflowers777 September 19, 2021