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hit the border

To go to Taco Bell. Usually occurs in the late hours of the night, after 11 PM.

Adam: "Ay, bro, do we have any pizza left from yesterday?"

Matt: "Naah, man. I guess we should... uhh.... hit the border?"

Adam: "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaahh. Chalupas, spicy chicken tacos, Taquitos, and bean burritos! Let's hit the border!"

Matt: "Aight, let's bounce."

by Adel7 August 23, 2007

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Border Run

A type of "exercise" that involves you sprinting to the local taco joint for your serious case of Taco Munchies.

Man, I'm so fuckin hungry, let's do a Border Run.

by EPrime October 7, 2006

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Border patrol

A Kevin

A border patrol is a Kevin

by Mexican010101 September 30, 2019

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Border Ruffians

A group of radicalized Democrats, leftists and Liberals who goes from state to state to cause trouble with local communities and also violent riots throughout the United States. Border Ruffians were originally pro-slavery activists from the slave state of Missouri, who in 1854 to 1860 crossed the state border into Kansas Territory to force the acceptance of slavery there.

Border Ruffians are a riotous bunch of idiots!

by Angriest Mouse of Schnaasberg June 15, 2017

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border states

Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri: slave states in between the North and the South that did not join the Confederacy during the Civil War.

Kentucky and Maryland are border states. Though they are often called Southern states full of Confederate rednecks, they are really more Northern states who still have the same stronger economic ties with their sister states above them to this day.

by Emokiss June 5, 2009

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Border Nazi's

A typical right wing radical with an IQ of 80 who watches too much anti-illegal immigrant propaganda from Faux News or reads up on other nativist, immigrant restrictionist, or neo-nazi websites.

They suffer from physical conditions like "Little Man Syndrome" and often have to compensate their small penis size and screwed up lives with purchasing a huge rifle and joining nazi organizations cloaked as American Patriotism. Such organizations are called Minutemen or the more mainstream Tea Bagger movement.

These Border Nazi's all divorced their wife's & abandoned their kids and choose a life of living in tents, double wide trailers, trucks or simply sleeping on the floor at so called Mexican-American border hot spots looking out for Speedy Gonzalez or illegal immigrants trying to cross the border in hopes of getting a piece of the "American Dream". During slow days Border Nazi's talk about NASCAR, Ronald Reagan, what dirt taste like, how much Jesus hates gays, how much they hate Islam and how much they hate Barrack & Michelle Obama.

I was driving south on the 5 fwy and I seen some Border Nazi's chasing some Mexicans back into Mexico.

by The Infamous Rico November 13, 2011

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A unit of measurement defining the distance between the legs of a person suffering from Newtons-Berkineau disorder, an affectation of the ambulant limbs. Derived from the middle-english 'Gordynnes-border' the distance maintained between a healthy human being and a leprous dog-fiend under manorial-law.

"Shirley must be a good Gordons-border from Darren and she's still flashing her bacon rolls, the filthy trollop"

by Lord Beagle Fotherington-Smythe February 17, 2008

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