Crossing over the energy line while using DMT. After a large enough dosage this is a break through experience where you cross from hallucinations and visualizations to a state of altered or enhanced reality. In that state you feel isolated and contained with a sphere or force field. With this bulb, one cannot differentiate the physical edges of people or things. It is your conversion to a state of pure energy. Ideas also become free and others you encounter in within the bubble share thoughts through telepathy. It can lead to state of pure energy which is the next step after a break through. This experience is dissociative in feeling and can be peaceful and sere or overwhelming and frightening. It si all created by your brain and is not a supernatural or magical event. Weather or not you communicate with someone is debatable.
Not really intending to go Bulbing (into the bulb), i took a second hit of the DMT and within a minute my partner , my dogs and my bed began dissolving before my very eyes.
A sexual act that takes place in a climate which is so deathly hot and humid that it prevents any chance of erection whilst the testicles leak all of your bodies retained moisture.
"it was independence day and I thought we would have a special evening but he just couldn't make it work and his nuts felt like a jellyfish due to the wet bulb
Full Form: Bar Umar Lanat Beshumar.
Meaning: Curses on Umar for all eternity.
BULB is often used as a hashtag in various social media platforms, mainly twitter. It is used by the shi'ites to curse one of the closest companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, Umar Ibn al-Khattab for his apparent wrongdoings to Fatima al-Zahra the daughter of Prophet Muhammad. They also blame Umar for the death of Fatima.
These views however, are rejected by the Sunni scholars.
Shia: Happy Eid al-Ghadir, #BULB.
Sunni: Here comes another shi'ite cursing the sahaba.
Shia: Noo!!1! We never curse the sahaba. Only shiraz-
Sunni: Cut it with the taqiyya, rafidi.
a light bulb used to smoke marijuana.
man i just made a sweet bud bulb.
When you smash a lightbulb on your penis and then fuck a rhino from behind, you proceed to have a funeral for the rhino which is carried away on a 2007 John Deere.
Can't believe Jim is bulbing the tractor, so sad.