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Womb buster

An extremely large appendage capable of injury

Raymond slid down his shorts to reveal his womb buster to the eagerly anticipating Barbara.

by Bianca Deslop November 17, 2016

Drunk Buster

A drunk buster is a meal or specific food that is particularly good at preventing or reducing drunkenness (possibly due to high mass and carbohydrate content).

Dude, want to swing by Chipotle before we hit that party? Their burritos are great drunk busters!

by whydoesn'tudletyoureuseyourown July 12, 2010

fuzz buster

Synonym for police radar detector.

The cops are out today...better get out the fuzz buster.

by Big Tim July 28, 2003

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nut buster

1. An asshole of a boss
2. an incredibly attractive female

1. On Starship Troopers the dumb blond guy yelled "WHATTA NUT BUSTER!" and got his ass kicked by this angry black woman who comes flying out of nowhere

2. My manager at Best Buy is total nut buster. In both forms of the word.

by Kruger 7 March 23, 2005

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Bunker Buster

A shit so terrible and so vile that it renders the receiving device completely unusable until somebody in facilities arrives to repair it. The GBU-28 missile was given the nickname 'Bunker Buster' because of it's similar effect on caves in Afghanistan.

James just ate four grilled-stuffed burritos from Taco Bell...watch out, he's gonna drop a bunker buster!

by aksival February 1, 2007

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trust buster

one who seeks to break up trusts. Trusts are corporate monopolies organized under a trusteeship for the sole purpose of eliminating compitition in the market place. This was used as a nickname for Theodore Roosevelt because he was the first president to break up trusts. He invented a sort of gentlemen's agreement with the trusts. He would notify any company if he thought their actions were illegal then he would give them time to change while looking at their records. If they did not change, then he would bring them to court.

While Taft broke up more trusts than Roosevelt, Roosevelt was the first trust buster.

by invaderzerock June 17, 2009

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boner buster

To lose an erection, ruin a potential sexual opportunity or potentially happy moment.

Guy 1: My girl was about to give me oral by the fire when her roommate came home.
Guy 2: Did she keep going? Did the roommate join in?
Guy 1: NO! She was embarrassed and asked me to leave.
Guy 2: What a boner buster!

by RNPS April 29, 2008

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