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An overrated, Over-glorified state within the U.S that worships deadbeat actors like gods, is overly smug about how their state sucks so much- Smug to the point of being a high and mighty prick. Narcotics are readily available despite having the most entertaining things, gadgets, and beaches. The most shallow things are held in high regard in California.

No California, just no, you made the world 30% more stupid with Hollywood.

by Hello Govna! March 6, 2008

125πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž


The best state ever with rich people and also gangstas not racist like texas and best besches, great weather home to the most popular city L.A peoople who talk shit are ajust jelous that there state sucks. You wish your governor would be as famous as ours

If you haven't been to Cali and you talk shit then you should just go suck the huge dick with all the other haters

by Cali Girl March 8, 2005

209πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž


The most largest yet decent state in the U.S. so far, yet the shittiest place I've seen and been born in.
1. Hollywood filled with beggars, street gangs, corrupt cops, and moron tourists.
2. Traffic found everywhere somewhere near Los Angeles.
3. Pollution everywhere, go far enough from San Diego, and you can see a layer of smog.
4. Overused and stupid stereotypes, it's just illogical and obvious, it's extremely stupid and makes you want to leave.
5 . Shitty food, Chipotle, mediocre and overpriced, In-Out, shitty food and overpriced, I hate this.
6. Expensive living costs, In California: 4000 sq ft house 1.9 Mil. Outside Califonia: 8000 sq ft house, 600,000 dollars. Also no AC.
7. Hot weather and shitty disasters such as landslides, and hailstorms.

Tool: "California is the best place ever!!!"
Guy: "No it isn't you fucking idiot, it's the shittiest state."
Guy: "With your intelligence that's the smartest thing to do."

by War is peace February 15, 2017

15πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Thank you, to all of you that can see through the sham that is California.

California does suck. I live here, so I can say it. The weather is horrible (Contrary to many beliefs). Its either 120 degrees out, below freezing, raining 5 inches a day, or muggy. Where I live, we get 70 inches of rain a year. And they say it rains to much in Seattle? (Ahem, 30 inches a year)

Most of the people here will give you the finger rather than help you, most of them drive like bats of hell, and if you dare look at them, don’t expect anything of a cold stair. We recalled a Governor, citing he was doing a bad job, then replace him with a Nazi who can speak and is making things worst!

We have horrible traffic, smog everywhere, lots of retarded surf bums, money mongering asses, and many people travel here in the summer, and piss and moan on how it wasn’t what they though. Well duh! A state with 34 million people crammed into it can only be disastrous.

And when I say that California sucks, I get glares, and boos, but I don’t give a fuck. Fuck them all, what do they know? If they cant see what a fucked up place we live in, they can let the San Andreas Fault open up and suck them in.

And speaking of earthquakes, we get hit all the time. It is so annoying, 4.8 here, a 5.5 there, then, bam! the big one 9.8, well, as soon as I turn 18, I am not sticking around to see it. I will be safely in Washington State, laughing and celebrating at the sight of California sinking into the pacific.

Fuck California And All It Stands For. And In 4 Years, While The Californians Will Be Getting Lung Cancer From Smog, Killed By Earthquakes, Or Criminals, I Will Be Out Of California, So Fuck You All.

Fuck California, Fuck Most The People Here, Fuck The Governor, Fuck Los Angeles, Fuck It All, It All Sucks, And If YOU Cant See It, Or Disagree With Me, Fuck You Too, Cause You Are A Fucking Moron.

Fuck It All, Fuck It All, Fuck It All.

by Jon March 14, 2005

305πŸ‘ 219πŸ‘Ž


State full of people who think they're better than everyone else.

"Hey, I am from California and I am very smart, I am smarter than you stupid person."- Every Tik-Tok influencer

by TennisPlayer69 May 27, 2021

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


I know you've seen the ads- your travel agent or that university recruiter has filled your head with images of beaches, palm trees, forests and a night life that's second to none. You need to ask yourself one question: why would they put so much effort into creating that image? Do you know of any other state that is so heavily marketed as a place you should go other than California?

Thought so.

The culture here is defined by belligerence, ignorance, narcissism, and apathy. If you ever leave the big cities, be prepared to be surrounded by inbred, racist/sexist, psycho-christian hillbillies. You heard me right- there are massive amounts of trailer trash hicks everywhere you go, they've just become good at hiding it.

And while you're stuck on the 10, 101, 215, 91, or the 60 Freeways with a raised up Bro-truck tailgating you all the way to work, surrounded by industry, warehouses, smog, boarded up buildings, graffiti, and strip malls, you will attempt to replace what you are actually seeing with what you *thought* you should be seeing.

California is a LIE. It's a dreamworld that doesn't exist. Oh, and trying to find a job here is next to impossible. Right now, we have the highest unemployment. Same thing with teen pregnancy rates.

Yeah, I'm some asshole on the internet, but I'd give anything to save another person out there who reads this the time, toil, trouble, and inevitable misery that will come from believing the "California Dream".

Palm trees and beaches? My apartment got broken into 3 times, that pot-bellied, white, middle-aged douchebag broke a window on my car because i asked him to quiet down in the theatre, and I now have lung cancer from the smog.

Thanks California!

by Ihateithere October 24, 2009

64πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


California is a part of the United States on the west coast. Im not a conservative or a republican dumbass. I am a liberal but I still cant stand this fucking state, especially San Diego county. The place is full of primarily a whole bunch of douchebags who think that they are all the shit, but in reality are just sheep and fucking preps. The weather is too damn hot, and the beaches are too fucking cold, and tend to be filled with sewage. The governator is also a dumbfuck. The State is terrible for the most part, and is full of artificial, mindless, dumb fucks, and the worst part of it all is that everybody else thinks its the best place on the planet.

Goddamnit, California sucks, im almost glad my county is burning down, dont come here, and help me get outta here as soon as possible.

by Spenc3rr October 26, 2007

142πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž