A female with short hair.
“Oh no! Thompson pulled another choir boy last night, he could do better”
“Hey! Middle schoolers aren’t aloud in here, it’s only 21 and up!”. “Oh don’t worry, that’s just a choir boy”
The opposite of band camp, A place where choir kids, choir nerds, and choir freaks go to be themselves. You basically sing for five hours straight. And there’s a 60% chance that it’s next to a band camp.
I had so much fun at choir camp, we prank the band camp over there.
the only place where pt cruiser driving skinny nerd instrument boys can feel happy
a repulsive waste of a really nice church service
a hideout for ugly Jesus freaks and their girlfriends
"i hate going to youth choir with the nerds because they all try to make me feel bad for looking hot in jeans"
"youth choir makes me puke because no one can sing and the only thing on anyones mind is hooking up in a pt cruiser while eating zaxby's"
A mesmerizing performance that lasts about 3 days in San Antonio (now) where the top around 200 choral musicians make the mixed choir and the other around 200-300 are in either Treble or Men’s choir. All three choirs are amazing successes, and there is nobody without talent in any of these choirs. To get to this audition you have had to go through 3-4 auditions and go though some amazing, and maybe horrible music over a series of 9 months. Some examples of these songs are the three French pieces the men had to sing in the 2022-2023 area and pre area rounds which were the worst pieces that some have ever experienced. But there was also Steal Away that year, so it was made up for.
Ben: Hey James! How did you do at your audition this weekend?
James: I did pretty good, I made the TMEA All-State choir!
Doesn’t really know to much of music and is only there to skip school
A kid who is in choir and kind of annoying, pretty much the equivalent to a band dork. They are so obsessed with choir that they do the warm-ups at full volume in the shower, and stock their director on social media. They’re friends with other choir nerds and choir dorks, they worship the director like there The supreme Lord of everything. They are smarter than band dorks, but they can be just as weird. Note: they are arch enemies with band geeks and band nerds.
Polly: Jacob is such a choir dork, he hangs out with others of his kind.
a groupe of nice people who is cool and lit.
"That groupe is a choir fam type of groupe dude!" lit fun party nice