Source Code

Genocide Counter

A genocide counter is the name for the units of mass genocide. The amounts are as follows:

1 Hitler = 6,000,000 deaths
1 World War 1 = 40,000,000 deaths
1 World War 2 = 80,000,000 deaths
1 Nagasaki = 70,000 deaths
1 Hiroshima = 140,000 deaths

1 World War 2 = 2 World War 1s
1 Hiroshima = 2 Nagasakis

Guy 1: “Did you hear about that mass genocide?”
Guy 2: “Yeah, I hear it was 3 Nagasakis on the Genocide Counter!”
Guy 1: “I know right! What’s that, 1 and a half Hiroshimas?”
Guy 2: “Yup”

by CaptainKing67 December 9, 2019

6👍 1👎

hopping counters

To engage in sexual intercourse; sexual union between humans involving genital contact; the act of hopping over a counter, skipping foreplay, to immediately begin a sexual act.

I was tired of getting mixed signals from the guy who was eyeing me at the office, so I finally went over to him and and we began hopping counters. It was really intense.

by seabear69 October 16, 2011

6👍 1👎

counter poo

when one friend texts another a picture of poo, said friend must "counter poo" in order to retain respect

"Aw dawg, ho just cent me poo pride, now i gotta muster up some counter poo"

by amanda2169 November 3, 2011

6👍 1👎

counter strike

Not a bad game, kinda fun, just filled with complete idiots(usually). A game that I find fun

Counter-Strike: shouldn't have a chat/voice feature.

by wigger September 4, 2003

92👍 51👎

Counter Strike

A once great computer game, now fallen from grace due to it's large following of hackers, cheaters, kiddies, and random morons.
Good, even great gameplay made Counter Strike a very popular game. Unfortunately, this popularity was it's downfall, as it attracted the pasty-faced cheaters and script kiddies like a magnet.
Now, Counter Strike has become a desolate wasteland on what once was a proud, vibrant FPS kingdom.

"Remeber Counter Strike? It used to be great."
"Yeah, but now I'm afraid to even touch it."

by Sexy McSexington March 18, 2005

282👍 176👎


Instead of LGBTQIA or whatever insane number of lettered acronyms are created to describe the plethora of non-traditional, non-heterosexual relationships of some people, how about call people who don't fit into typical heterosexual standards, COUNTER-SEXUAL. Just like with counter-culture, which is COUNTER to the mainstream, COUNTER to traditional most popular culture, COUNTER-SEXUAL becomes a similar word to describe anyone from that population when referring in GENERAL. When speaking in specifics then someone can still say, gay, lesbian, transgender, intersex etc....otherwise in general reference, it could be COUNTER-SEXUAL which is much more simple and to the point, more literal and less complicated, less controversial or uncomfortable, more neutral while still honoring the differences while trying to include all the different types of sexualities-which could end up using the entire alphabet!

Studies show that there are more counter-sexual characters in mainstream television shows since 2014.

The counter-sexual movement includes all types of sexualities that are not heterosexual.

by Damiana00 July 10, 2019

10👍 3👎


A term invented by Tom Bomb of the Corrupt Crew to describe those who rebel against the mainstream by conforming to their subculture.

Emos counter-conform to be different than preppies but end up looking like clones with their dyed hair, chucks, and Savers suits.

by Tom Bomb December 25, 2005

8👍 2👎