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A racsist word meant to demean white people that,unlike its opposite,nigger,is highly ignored as a rascist word both politically and socially.

Black guy:Look at that cracker! Black guy's friends:AHAHAHAHAHA! White guy:look at that nigger! Everybody:thats so rascist,im reporting you!

by doctor barber January 6, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


cracker is to describe people of anglo saxon ancestry such as english,american or canadian
it is not for other Europeans,it is missunderstood its for anglo saxons made up by blacks

all these words such as peckerwood,redneck,cracker are used for american and canadian people

look at that fuckin cracker wearin fubu tryin to be black.

by Real Euro October 20, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


According to history it was a term first used by rich white plantation owners and government heads to discourage lower class white citizens in the 1800's, they were called this because all they could buy was flour and water and made cheap bread with the ingredients forming a large cracker. Slaves on the plantations were encouraged by slaver drivers to call these lower class citizens who stole crops.

Today it is used mostly by black individuals to make fun of white individuals. Though dosent have as much impact as its cousin word "Nigger" (cuz white people weren't mass enslaved in America)

Black Guy: What up cracker!
White Guy: Hehehe....Hey man
White Guy: (whispers) stupid nigger
Black Guy: What was that bitch?!
White Guy: *runs away*

by Okey O. January 30, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


just a guess of mine-cracker=stereotype name for a white person. The name might have come from the tradition of andy griffith tv show-like white man run- general store, where old geezer white men would play checkers on top of a wooden cracker barrel.

Maybe charlie knows how to fix your motorcycle.

Shoot! That old cracker can't fix anything made after Noah's ark!

by mr. stuart June 14, 2004

7๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used to try to piss white people off. It is not nearly as offensive as racist terms used on other groups simply because whites oppressed all other groups of people and basically owned the world. Why would someone be insulted if they were called "cracker" when crackers were able to conquer the globe with superior technology. Not very offensive. On the other hand the word nigger or chink is offensive when said by a white person blacks and asians were pushed around by whites. Slavery, Interment Camps. Although genocide is a horrible thing it is undeniable that whites conquered the world

Hitler, Napoleon, Eistein, Isaac Newton, Slavery, Interment Camps, Holocaust- All crackers who made unbelieveable discoveries or conquered much of the world and were able to because of their intelligence.

by DealWithIt February 15, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


In today's world, a term used in a racial manner against white people.

The term actually refers to a slave driver that would crack the whip against a slave that would step out of line...
When this is considered, anyone using the word 'cracker' is actually lowering themselves To being owned by the person they're using the term against.
I usually laugh when I hear this term being used. It really shows the mentality of some ignorant people low enough to show racism.

Yo, cracker, whatchu starin' at?

by This.Girlie April 19, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A pejorative term for a White person in the United States who takes it upon himself to assume authority over others they deem inferior without any official justification often in an indignant or self important manner.

When used as an insult, it is a metaphor in the sense that when herding animals, the owner hires working class men to crack a whip to tend his herd. The herders or cowboys have no real authority other than to crack the whip and do what their boss says - the man with the real power. When used as a slur, 'craking the whip' means to run ones mouth, complain, rant, bitch and moan, blog, etc because as a schlub, that is all he can do; essentially a wimp.

Don't listen to what crackers have to say, all they have is their words.

The only thing worse than a cracker is a cracker with a badge, they think the own the place.

by Social Sherlock March 2, 2012

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