When a group of people walk to three or more pizza joints eating pizza.
Bekah, Ally and Tom were a little uncomfortable after their pizza crawl. They hit up three pizza joints, and ate a pie at every one.
"When you make the most foolish decisions in a situation, especially when the correct decision was easily determinable."
-You have an important exam the next day, and you know you need a good night's sleep to perform well. However, you decide to stay up all night watching TV and playing video games, even though you know it's the stupidest thing to do given the circumstances. You are a crawling bat for doing so.
-You're on a diet and have been making progress. You're at a party and faced with a table full of unhealthy snacks. Despite knowing you should stick to your diet, you indulge excessively in unhealthy food, which is the stupidest thing you could do given your goal to stay healthy.
The jaded crawl is a dance move that looks like the crab dance made popular by hip hop artist Benzo.
To do the jaded crawl, one must put their hands up on each side with bent elbows and make crab motions with their hands while walking back and forth sideways with bent legs.
Yo just do the jaded crawl.
When a truck driver is avoiding starting his or her electonic log device by driving slow-under 5 miles an hour; while trying to get thru a distribution center or a truck stop.
That driver is over there doing the Eld crawl to the fuel island going slow ass hell
A Pick-up truck modification popular in the 70s and 80s in which the front of the truck was raised to monster truck lengths with the purpose of driving it off-road. Unfortunately, the Hoovers driving it end up not seeing anything on the road, leading the people getting ran over.
Jimmy has to watch out for psychos who drive a lobster crawl if he wants to play on the road
To crawl on one's hands and feet
Coach made us bear crawl at practice today.