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chai delis

Another nickname for attractive girls, used only in the plural. Usually referred to in the sense of potential girls to hook up with. This term comes from the term “slaying chai”, which is synonymous to slaying poon.

Seth: Damn man, I hope there are some chai delis at this party it’s been a while.

Ryan: yeah man I plan on slaying some chai tonight

by Dadaba124 April 21, 2022

La Deli Lama

(N) Geeky alter ego to a bored ,uproaching middle aged man with very little intrests. A man wise well upon his years if you stopped counting when he was three. A modern day philospher with a bad haircut.

Asker: Oh! Help me Deli , solve the great mystery of life?

La Deli Lama: What mystery? The game sucks, the cereal has to much cinnamon and if weren't for those pictures , the maagzine would of been cancelled years ago.

by The Deli Keeper February 3, 2010

Working the deli

When a guy beats off on webcam for a woman

Oh, Keegan’s working the deli for savanna right now!

by Hllwnn October 22, 2019

Valentino’s Pizza and Deli

Simply the best pizza around …cooked, or take-n-bake. If you want a crisp, fresh salad, look no further!

Him: “What do you feel like for dinner?”
Them: “Something delicious
Him: “oh, that’s easy, Valentino’s Pizza and Deli!”

by Pizza King 805 November 24, 2021

deli ham

Derived from the maliforous odor of a Kroger deli ham, "deli ham" is a slang term for a flatulant.

I can tell by Rugs grin, it was him who ripped the deli ham.

by fruity booty November 5, 2007


The act of going to the delicatessen for lunch.

Are you deli-ing today? Why, yes! I am deli-ing! I really want a turkey and cheese sandwich on toasted whole wheat.

by Phil O. Minicano March 10, 2014

Deli Delight

Using a piece of deli meat to jack off with.

Jennifer Anniston is so hot I warmed up a piece of deli meat in the microwave and gave myself a deli delight.

by Eye Glass Pimp January 5, 2021