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Dickle swigling

The act of sticking your finger into a man’s pee hole

I’m going to dickle swigling you lil bro

by Starglo December 19, 2024


The act of tickling your penis whilst winking.

Jack, don’t dickle, it makes me feel uncomfortable!

by YummyDavo May 11, 2020


(Noun) A massive shlong that will rip your fanny walls.

Hi, Barbara so I met with ***** last night and all I can say is his dickle truly ruined my vaginal structure, it will never be the same. It was so worth it.

by barbsfriend January 30, 2021


a dick pickle.

hey joshua, wanna lickle on my dickle?”

by littledoggygirl June 3, 2022


A shortened version of the work dickhole

My boss said that he was going to kick me in the dickle for not working

by Yourmomwashere6982 June 25, 2024


When you have more then one person in your love interest but, you know you have to pick one...
You get screwed either way;)


You get into a pickle. So why not a dickle🤷🏽 ♀️

Fm- Gordon and Pete are so good looking now i have to pick one, what a dickle:(

M- I wanna get with Sophie but Ariana is looking fine damn, I’m in a dickle!

by Coolswag12 July 2, 2018


Dickle is a playful nickname for a dick. It has a lot of great rhyming possibilities.

A girl might text her crush to ask how his dickle is doing just to make conversation, or if they are having difficulties in bed, she might ask him "Why is the dickle being so fickle?" If she is feeling amorous, she might say "I like your dickle better than a pickle" or "I would like to lickle the dickle" and so on.

by macinlor October 14, 2015