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drug den

a hangout for users of drugs, typically heroin addicts and various other junkies. Often littered with drug paraphernalia, used needles, tinfoil, candles, bottles of piss

John - Ew, theres Big Jim, i can smell him from across the street.
Joe - Aye, he's on his way to his drug den for a week long smack binge.

by husky fae the fort November 25, 2013

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Drug Addict

A drug addict is a person who compulsively and conscienciously seeks and chooses the beneficial effects reportedly provided by the recreational use of one or more psychoactive substances (called the "desired effects", such as a sense of escape from reality and the individual's problems, mental stimulation, or even euphoria), despite being aware of the harmful effects and consequences said substance can cause to one's life and those of his loved ones.

"That guy from work keeps going to the bathroom all day long to snort blow. He's a full-fledged drug addict!"

by Francois VR July 9, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

drug worker

SImilar to a sex worker, a drug worker is anyone who works in any capacity in the drug trade, legal or illegal. A pharmacy cashier is a drug worker. A medical marijuana dispensary cashier is a drug worker. Someone who sells heroin needles is a drug worker. A go-between who gets drugs from dealer to customer is a drug worker. A look-out who watches for cops is a drug worker. A person who tests ecstasy at raves is a drug worker.

If we legalized weed, drug workers could pay taxes into the Social SEcurity system and keep it solvent.

by Stoned Faux July 27, 2018

drug cartels

An illegal organization that controls production, wholesale and to a lesser extent distrubtes illegal drugs to street pushers. Biggest drug cartels by nationality in the US are Mexican followed by Colombians and Dominicans.

Colombians don't really push inside the US as of today. They have a liason with the Dominican groups, which their areas of operations are north eastern states and to a lesser degree the south, that whoesale and distriubte on the behalf of the Colombians. Mexicans are by far the largest out of the 3 main groups and have basically the rest of the US.

Worldwide, the Colombians are considered the largest.

Some drug cartels are sloppy others are organized.

by toohotglock January 11, 2007

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drug seeker

n. a person who goes to the docter/ER feigning illness in the hopes that they may receive a prescription for their drug of choice. Characterized by the person claiming to have allergies to every drug but the one they want. Much to the seekers dismay, health care providers are taught in school to recognize their obvious addiction.

"Don't believe him, Floyd is a drug seeker; allergic to everything but Percocet, he's here everyday, and was arrested last week for blowing a guy for half a perc."

by keifermail July 28, 2008

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Vagina Drug

Noun. A controlled substance that is hidden from the cops, family, friends, etc. in the vaginal area.

Person 1:The cops are coming! Hide the drugs!
Person 2:Already taken care of.
Person 1:Where are they?
Person 2:In my vagina.
Person 1:Really, Vagina Drugs?!

Girl 1:This weed tastes atrocious!
Girl 2:...Sorry, that was hidden from the police in my vagina.
Girl 2:Ugh, sick! I always told Eleanor not to smoke those Vagina Drugs!

by PeterCottontail May 25, 2010

78๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

drugs and alcohol

clothes and pants

people and women

sports and football

colors and red

politicians and Barack Obama

numbers and 6

letters and A

food and pizza

facial hair and beards

cities and Detroit

animals and lizards

plants and ferns

countries and China

Why do people say "drugs and alcohol?"

by lizardwizard October 1, 2012

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