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Facebook Fast

To deactivate your facebook account and not activate it for as long as you can until you give in.

Jennifer: Hey did Susan get rid of you also on facebook?
Tim: No, she just went on a Facebook Fast.

by RoseyPosey67 May 3, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

slash fasting

A period in which one, usually a yaoi fangirl, gives up yaoi or slash for one month. It is very helpful treatment for those without lives.

It started when Lii decided that her life had become way too centered around something that didn't accomplish anything, and gave it up. She was born a new woman.

The original and traditional period to fast is the month of October, starting on Bloody Sunday (the last Sunday in September) and ending on All-Slashers Day, which is Halloween. All-Slashers Day is not usually full of feasting and parties, for the transition of normal human being to rabid fangirl takes time.

Other months work also, depending on your events. October doesn't work well due to intense popularity of The Rocky Horror Picture Show during this month. Late Spring could be an option, but it hasn't been tested.

1: Dammit, Candi, you need to go on slash fasting!

by Lii Yuki Pillows October 27, 2005

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fast start

In a racing video game, getting an extra boost off the starting line.

I got a fast start in mario kart.

by 5'11"Racer September 15, 2006

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Fast and the Furious

The movie that doubled the price of Toyota Supras just because they were in the movie. The only good part of the movie is when Vin Diesel drives the dragster on the street.

D00d I bought Fast and the Furious

by fastcr80 April 5, 2005

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hold fast

To bear down, grit it out, stay the course

Originally a nautical term probably borrowed from Danish, NOT Dutch, "hold fast" (hold tight) referring to the importance of securely gripping a ship's rigging.

Times are tough right now but we got to hold fast and ride it out.

by 22mileslong January 16, 2018

47๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

stand fast

To stay put, take no action, no movement, to relax.

Stand fast, Sgt. don't go over there.

Ralph: What are you doing here?
Pablo: Standing fast, I'm waiting for my girlfriend.

Your too hyper, stand fast.

by leadthrower September 1, 2006

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Facebook fasting

To refrain from going on facebook for a certain period of time. This often comes after the realization that too much time has been wasted on facebook resulting in real life problems. In the even of a relapse, an individual is said to pull a triple F (see Failed Facebook Fast).

John was spending all his time on facebook instead of working. He had to go facebook fasting for a few days to catch up on his work.

by SAphoto November 25, 2009

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