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femme au foyer

Another word for a stupid bitch. It's a housewife who does nothing but sit on her ass.

Dude, that femme au foyer is so fucking ugly!

by chefjordan January 26, 2008

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Le Femme de Pew

This term has a variety of uses and generally always refers to the female gender in varying capacities, as women, by nature are the stinkier of the two genders. Typically used to describe an odor emitted by, or resulting from contact with some woman. Most frequently used to describe the musky, sometimes stinky or even downright putrid smell, residing somewhere on a male after encountering a foul vagina. The term can also apply to other areas of a woman's anatomy when applicable. Can include the butt, arm pits, even bad breath. Let us not forget the feet, which for some women, can melt the paint off a battleship. This condition is most often associated with a female lacking intelligence and common sense, but can include and is not limited to sophisticates as well. It is believed by some that perfume was originally, in part, first used to attempt to conceal the less than desirable smells of a female.

1. Hey man, wanna smell some Le Femme de Pew on my fingers from Mary Jane last night?! The shit just won't wash off.

2. Baby I respect you in every way, but you have got to stop wearing those nylons and cheap shoes, especially in warmer weather. Your piggies really stink and are burning my eyes! I'm also going to have to replace the carpeting.

by Big Ed Moustapha March 24, 2009

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Mullét la femme

pronounced "mullay la fem"
a style of haircut that was pioneered by redneck men, who in turn became a fashion for women.

see that lady in sitting in the corner over there, she has a Mullét la femme!

by Anthony L June 14, 2006

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You Femme

Text slang for “you feel me

Him: how you livin bro?
Me: you know me bro just been kickin it you femme

by YurrrSzn585 September 18, 2019

Femme Cat

A person who complains a lot and never relaxes. Often comes across bitchy and judgy, secretly needs love. Alternative slang word for bitch / pussy.

Why is he being such a femme cat? He needs to chill out.
Don't be a femme cat about it, stop whining.

by CyberiusXVII December 29, 2021

mean femme

A femme lesbian who is generally mean and tends to affectionately bully their friends/partners. Often dates soft butches

Of course she’s a mean femme, did you not see her make that man cry the other day?

by lolkatz16 February 12, 2022


Femme´d is derived from the word punk´d and means that a man is owned and dominated by a women

John got fired by a female manager and his wife just left him for a stranger.

John just got Femme´d!

by Bram Speelman July 11, 2011