This is where documents procrastinate after apathetic organization has rodented (is that a word yet? I mean ferreted and squirreled are verbs, but there are plenty of rodents that succinctly define the behavior) them away to an innocuous corner of of an administrative employee's office.
How did you find the Jonathon estate contract? That wasn't in his folder.
I just dug it out of the rathole file. Looks like the last signature on it is five years old.
A folder on your computer that contains downloaded porn, naked pictures, and or homemade sex tapes. Usually used to masturbate to when no one is around.
"Bro can I use your computer?"
"Dude!! Your fap file is huge!!"
The female version of a wank bank
Oh yeah, he has definitely earned his place in my fiddle file.
Profiling that anybody who is on their phone is playing Pokémon GO in public.
John: Look, even that guy is playing Pokémon GO!
Paul: No he's not, he's just on his phone *and* riding his bike...
John: YEAH, that means he is playing Pokémon GO!
Paul: Stop Poké-filing people dumbass...
Dressing up as a dinosaur and Eating each other's ass while Star Wars is on
Wow! I didn't know you where into exchanging files
Definition: the action of adding a picture to your wankbank- i.e a collection of selected photos used as a stimulant while masturbating.
Sam- *takes mugshot of Susan*
Me- ‘Oi oi! Send me that, I’ll save to files’ *wink*