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Five Finger Death Punch

A band that will make you jizz.

Hater: Yo, listen to dis new rap son', it got dat lyric liek about gettin' yo hoes tah suck ya dick!
Me: No, I'm good. I'll just listen to some Five Finger Death Punch.
Hater: Dat heavy metal shit!? Listen tuh some real music, bruh.
Me: Have you ever tried to interpret their lyrics?
Hater: Wut dah hell does interepit mean, nig!?

by AntiDevoid November 13, 2011

288๐Ÿ‘ 348๐Ÿ‘Ž

five finger death stroke

To stroke a penis so well the man passes out when he cums

"I gave him the five finger death stroke so well that he was out for days"

by UrbanGram January 14, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Five Finger Festival of Fun

male masturbation

"Hey man, why is your keyboard so sticky?"

"I had myself a five finger festival of fun."

by sween999 June 22, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Five finger death punch

Getting fisted while on your period.

I heard that girl got five finger death punched.

by RustyyShacklefordd November 17, 2014

40๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

All Five Fingers Are Up

That's all. It's a term that's generally used when you're excited, thrilled, bored, scared, happy, sad, depressed, and lonely. You can use it whenever the moment feels right!!!

"Natalie, all five fingers are up right now!"

by gabe richards November 12, 2020

All Five Fingers Are Up

That's all there is to it. A term to use when All of your fingers are up in the air. Generally used when surprised, thrilled, excited, or angry. Up to you to decide when it fits!!!

"All Five Fingers Are Up Right Now Natalie!!"

by gabe richards November 12, 2020

five fingers in my ass

when a person has five fingers in their ass, visibly associating sex or other.

"five fingers in my ass" is written like a first person view, "there is 5 fingers in your ass" as a 3rd person view, it associates sex or other.

bill: hey jared how ya doing
jared: nothing much, also I seemingly have to point out that there's 5 fingers in my ass and I am being fucked by a anonymous person of undefined gender.
bill: oh alright

by turtlesaredumb42069 February 14, 2022