Source Code

Flappy Bird

Literally Satan

Flappy Bird can burn in hell

by AlexMan February 19, 2014

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Flappy Bird

The most annoying little shitty bird, who is also part of a computer and smartphone game. The app was actually top in the App Store until it was taken off. It was probably taken off the AppStore because a bunch of people commuted suicide because of the app! I once got to 20. That's the highest I ever got on that app! It's a fucking impossible game! Also, if you still have it on your smartphone, you can sell your smartphone for thousands of dollars! Although, if the app is the updated version, it sells for more! Luckily, on my ipod 5 I have the updated version, if I ever want to sell it! B)))

Guy 1: "damn! this Flappy Bird game is hard!"

Guy 2: "oh hell yeah!"

by RainbowMUDKIPZ February 28, 2014

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flappy dab

A dab by a white boy that looks flappy and white boy generic.

Yo, look at that flappy dab!

by UVX Vagina September 7, 2017

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flappy bird

a girl with a loose vagina - occasionally mistaken for the new hit app game "Flappy Bird"

guy- "hey, before we do this may i ask u something?"

girl- "sure :D"

guy- "do u have the flappy bird?"


guy- "bye bitch"

by NutzHangLoww February 6, 2014

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flappy bob

a flappy penis that falls out of your underwear when you run

"Yo ma nigga i b runnin dis mornin and my flappy bob hit me in da face!"

by FlappiestBob June 16, 2007

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Flappy boi

a burger that is being held together by your hands, collapsing into your palms, with bread flapping onto your wrist.

In the restaurant with my cousins, clutching a flappy boi in my palms.
This burger's alright, but you should have SEEN the flappy boi i handled last Friday

by zobafett300 February 16, 2018

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Flappy Bird

A VERY addicting game which is available in the App Store and the Android store! This game is very challenging ! Thousands of people around the world have this game! It's a small little harmless looking bird ...
But go try it!

- There's HUNDREDS of reviews on the App Store! Check it out and you'll see! -_-'

What's your high core on Flappy Bird ?

- 2 . . .

Do you know what's the most annoying and challenging and addicting game out there right now?

- YeAh! Flappy Bird

by _deepdimples February 12, 2014

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