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Flipper Boy

Flipper Boy is one of the nicknames for Take That star Mark Owen around the 90's era :).

Flip Flip. Dolphin tattoo
Flipper Boy

by flip flip xoxo January 24, 2011

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Skirt Flipper

adj. Someone who chases after girls and doesn't stay with just one; never has a "real" relationship with any of the girls though; Back in the 1950's this was used for men who would literally flip the skirts of women. They were label "skirt flipper".

John: Why does he keep going from girl to girl?
Larry: He's a skirt flipper, bro!

by apersonwhodoesntlikeyouu July 21, 2010

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Flipper Tits

breasts that are shaped like fins or flippers; triangular, flipper-shaped breasts

"That girls got some flipper tits!"

by KneeSaw September 14, 2008

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Pinball flipper

The act of giving a light tap a man's balls during sexual intercourse. Also known as a "Kansas City Locomotive".

Ben "Hey there baby. While you're riding me cowgirl style, how's about reaching down & giving me the ol' Pinball flipper?"

Stacy "Sure thing. And if you treat me right, I might even hook you up with a blumpy later".

by Biff J Kowalski May 23, 2010

frame flipper

A "frame flipper" is a person who flips frames (Most of the time) on a animation app called "Flipa-Clip". Instead of animating, they swipe the frames back and fourth on the screen. It is considered "cringey" and also lazy to do so.

"First of all,he was being a frame flipper,second of all the art was poorly drawn."

by unicornFREAK105 October 9, 2017

Pancake Flipper

A Volunteer Firefighter is known as a pancake flipper due to the fundraiser's they have. They are not real firefighters. Paid firefighter don't have fundraiser's or pancake breakfasts

Look the the pancake flipper with his blue light flashing thank him for his service says the pages union firefighter

by Unmask December 24, 2021

Coin Flipper

The way the weather man tells what the weather will be like. Hence the nickname for the weather man coin flipper.

The coin flipper also known as the weather man flipped the quarter to see if it was going to rain.

by The OG crackhead April 1, 2022