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For sure mother fucker!

Isnt the world a better place since ASHLEY made up the phrase fo-sho-mo-fo? Yeah she's so damn hot... DONT YOU WISH YOU KNEW HER? Oh yes. The answer is "FO-SHO-MO-FO!"

by Ashley April 14, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

tap dat shit fo sho

1.Meaning to have sexual relations with someone of the opposite(or same whichever you perfer) sex.

2. to tap one's "shit" as in ass

"Dayum nukka, i'd like to tap dat shit fo sho."

"Which one, da one in the white top?"

"Nukka fo sho!"

by Ryan November 1, 2004

19๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

way to hedley to moogy fo sho

the term way to hedley to moogy fo sho simply means way to drunk to fuck. this phrase was founded in kenora... seeeing how everyone in that little town is always " way to hedley to moogy fo sho". usually always said at a party, bar, or club and always yelled at the top of your lungs to either your friends or the drunk person next to you.

You: holy shit man im "WAY TO HEDLEY TO MOOGY FO SHO!"

by JIMMY MACFOULER January 21, 2010

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fo sho me your tits

A phrase meaning "for sure," but also calling for any adjacent females to bare their breasts. Originated in Maine.

Bro #1: Yo bra, can you open this beer for me?

Bro #2: Fo sho me your tits. *chink*

Sorostitutes: WOOOOO! *take tops off*

by Rostropovich December 15, 2009

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yo fo sho mo fo?

Short for *you for sure, mother f*cker?*
As in, are you telling the truth??
Used by chavs etc.

A short way of asking a simple question -
warning, using it probably won't make you look cool, but quite the opposite -
people may just give you a wierd look and walk away.

Guy 1 - So I totalllly got with this well hot girl last night!
Guy 2 - Woah! Yo fo sho mo fo?!
Guy 1 - What?!
Guy 2 - Are you fo sho - mo fo?! You're kidding?
Guy - Okay, so i'm going now...

by lush.x June 22, 2009

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fo sho

this my def ye, you feel me bruh. I aint from the states but I aint stupid "thats fo sho".
Bitch you wanna know the def, bitch get ouy of here im jus playing with you sad ass.
Bitch im the kinda person you dont fuck with, you feel me?

"I aint no sucker thats fo sho bitch"
"I cant grade this, thats fo sho"

by B**ch April 10, 2018

Fo sho

"For show"; For display purposes.

I put these rims on my ride fo sho!

by Wayneright March 25, 2011