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Fat Stanley

A large male who denies he's fat despite all evidence to the contrary. Characterized by multiple chins, balloon like hands, slurred speech, a disproportionate head, and constant waistband adjustments. However, unlike "flat stanley", Fat Stanley never likes to be photographed, is too large to travel, and can always be photographed at home on his couch, sipping scotch and eating handfuls of nuts thinking he's losing weight.

Chris "Hey man, Bill thinks he's looking good these days. He told me he lost five pounds."

Paul "That fat fuck must of found 10 more because he's a total Fat Stanley".

by Double Check January 15, 2010

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Flat Stanley

1) A Boner
2) A children's Book from the '60's from which the term got it's name.

*Note that the term can be used two ways, to refer to a boner, or to address one.
1) I was sitting in math and got a major flat stanley.
2) Hi flat stanley, do you wanna come out and play?

by CJ McMastaKewlio February 11, 2009

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Stanley Shum

A teacher that teaches maths andICT AT LSC, but he teaches us like shit, and is fat like an egg. and his nickname is Shum egg

Student 1: I like Stanley Shum's lesson.
Student 2: Don't be so 8745.

by yeah b0i November 5, 2019

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Stanley, Va

Stanley, otherwise known as Meth City. Commonly known for the amount of meth you can find in your neighbors stationwagon. It's not a rarity to drive down the main roads to find a big ass crack, looking son of a bitch fixing his 97 ford tauraus don't worry that's normal here in Meth City. 93.2 percent of the Population speaks like Farmer Fran. Also if you visit the back yard of Dollar general and Family dollar you'll find an "so good it's addicting" diet call methaphatemine which will make you lose weight just as quick as your teeth.

Yeah, meth city!
Oh yeah that's a 8 ball passed Shenandoah and a gram before Luray.
stanley, Va also known as Meth City is a small town in Virginia

by Dickie boy johnson November 30, 2016

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Stanley (town)

Stanley is a little disease ridden town near consett what is full of scary hard people and at there maccies they have to have a bouncer there and there also is the head quaters of the stanley maffia who will pull up to your house if you diss stanley but still conset>>>stanley.

Stanley (town) is a very scary town
man 1:hes fit
man 2: there from stanley
man 1: oh well

by Uncle Barry touched me May 11, 2022

daphne stanley

A gorgeous loving girl married to the most handsome boy alive named joe stanley. Joe stanley would do anything to protect his loving wife Daphne stanley. They love eachother so much hehehhehehh

Joe and Daphne stanley sure do love eachother alot. THEY SHOULD MAKE A FAMILY AND HAVE BABIES WHEN THEY GROW UP HEHDHHDHDHEHEHE. SOCIAL DISTANCING GOT THEM SO MESSED UP BECAUSE THEY CAN'T SEE EACHOTHER.gn go to sleep or ill tell your mom or dad You're reading this rn and don't get your ass to bed.

by Itsdaphanieee April 16, 2020

Theo and Stanley

Theo and Stanley are made for each other. With one being a good liar as a personality trait and one being very responsible they are the perfect pair. No matter what other people think of them they are destined they will live a long happy life together.

Oh i wish we could be more like Theo and Stanley
Did you see the cute picture Theo and Stanley posted together?

by bottomburppoophello April 2, 2022