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Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement

When you hate Urban Dictionary's dumb mug and neck gaiter and figure out that a definition can be so long that it literally makes the self-promo non-existent.

Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement Fuck of advertisement

by your real name. >:) February 11, 2021

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fucking Fuck Ass Tard Bitch Ass

A female or Male who goes and I oop and also sksksksksksk but is also a sjw *social justice warrior* but worst of is working for EA

:Henry: wow she is being such a dumb ass bitch social ass sksksksk warrior looking ass bitch

:Kyle:Oh you mean a Fucking Fuck Ass Tard Bitch Ass

by GoldenPlateYT August 28, 2019

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fuck the fuck off

When you are really pissed off at someone and a regular "Fuck Off" won't do. This amplification of it is a good expression to use.

Hey Bill, why don't you just fuck the fuck off.

by rusty69 October 15, 2013

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fuck thats fucked

Another word to replace: thats messed up or: thats not right.

Don: Check out these beastiality videos

Vin: fuck thats fucked

by anon20102381 February 18, 2010

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fucking fucker fuck

Not to be confused with fucking fucker, although it means basically the same thing. The extra 'fuck' is thrown in for good measure. Usually preceded by 'fuck you'.

Mike: Hey man, I just banged your mom, stole all your possessions and burned down your house.

Jim: Fuck you, you fucking fucker fuck!

by Nitemarish September 2, 2009

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Fuck shit fuck

The word you express when you are about to die in COD, or any other multi-player game.
or when two curse words just aren't enough

*Stuck with Semtex*

*Last alive in search*

"the paper was due today"

by LEROYYJENKINNS November 29, 2011

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Fucked the fuck up

1. 100 times worse than being just fucked up...having been very shit-housed (very drunk)

2. Having been very messed up with a potent drug (marijuana, crack, you name it brahh)

3. To have been in a terrible situation, where shit just got real

1. "Hey home skizzlet last night I might have gotten fucked the fuck up and hooked up with your sister...my b."

2. "So i just took the biggest hit of my life...Im definitely going to be fucked the fuck up after this."

3. "Some hoe just smashed into my car for the 19th time...this situation is pretty fucked the fuck up.

by Kaybaybaybay October 6, 2009

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