Bros whose bowel movement times are on the same schedule at work and choose stalls next to each other to shit while they talk about sports and other bro stuff.
Have you seen the gape bros? They just had their coffee they must be in the shitter.
When a person gapes another person's asshole and defecates into the gaped asshole while sitting on top of the person using the person as a stool.
Hey Karbo, I heard you were Toby's gape stool yesterday?
Someone who pretends to protect secrets while secretly giving the information to everyone, and in that sense, standing blocking a gaping doorway that can easily be seen through or entered.
Bro, she's a gape keeper. You know she told everyone that I got AIDS, Gonorrhea and crabs from Mellisa's hairy asshole. And she won't even admit it was her!!!
Gape cake is the art of getting fisted in the anal cavity in but in the pile driver position, extremely rough and usually unpleasant for one of the two people.
I'm so sore from the 10 Gape cakes John gave me last night
(v.) -- to gaze stupidly or in open-mouthed surprise or wonder at someone from another generation for doing or saying something completely surprising or incomprehensible due to the generation gap.
"Whenever I say something old-fashioned to my teenage sons, they just look at me in a totally befuddled way and then generation gape at me in wide-eyed wonder. 'Oh Dad, please!' is what they are thinking, I'm sure!"
Gaping Vortex is when you’re sitting on the toilet. And your shit comes out blue with dark red streaks of blood. And your ass hole doesn’t close back up. Left with dripping blue goop.
I was sitting on my phone playing Xbox for 15 hours. When suddenly I really had to take a shit. I sat on the toilet then start pushing. And that’s why I realized I made a terrible mistake. I think to myself do I have a gaping vortex?
The act of getting beat bad in a race.
Damn, that mach 1 700 Dirty gaped his side ways winder tbh