To euthanize an animal for an easy life, regardless of value
That $20,000 ram is lame again. Should I try this course of treatment from the vet? Nah, I'll just gecko it and avoid the hassle.
A smol cute thing that mommy loves.
"My smol sweet gecko!" But only mommy can use this phrase.
A slang word used in jest by ingenuous males to normalize rape culture.
I gave this girl the gecko last night, she didn't actually climb up the wall but I needed a way to make raping her and lack of consent laughable.
A form of sexual activity first discovered in Newport. In the shower, when a bloke slithers his sausage inside of a females bumhole accidentally and the woman then scatters up the wall to get away.
Did you hear about Mark boy last night? He did the gecko on Tracy.
A Gecko is the worst team member you could imagine. He is always relaxing, doing nothing or is destroying your model for your architecture courses. A Gecko tries to gloss his bad work with talking and suck up to his prof. He is also known for choosing the perfect partner, so he can relax again.