Usually used as a comeback at a person who expresses an opinion that the user of the phrase disagrees with and/or feel personally offended by, often for completely irrational reasons.
If it used in real life, it is often accompanied by that person strutting away as if they had just destroyed you with witty and rational arguments.
This phrase is rarely used by anybody above the age of 15 and with an IQ above 95.
Example 1:
Moron: The new Eminem album is soooo awesome.
Normal Person: I disagree...his older albums were way better.
Example 2:
Moron: My new shoes look awesome, don't you think?
Normal person: Meh...they're not really my taste.
Moron: Ah, whateva. Haters gonna hate (walks away as if she/he just said something extremely clever and original)
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no explanation needed
"Get pranked bro!! Now you don't have pants!! Trollers gonna troll! HE HE HE HAW!"
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A phrase used to express apathy towards another's disapproval. Probably one of the most overused and annoying phrases of the year 2011 and will be for 2012. Although it has reason behind it in most cases (mainly when it really is only a matter of opinion) in some cases it does not (when reason comes into play).
An acceptable use of the phrase:
Sam: You look weird as a brunette.
Sandy: Haters gonna hate.
An unacceptable use of the phrase:
Sam: Justin Bieber can't sing and looks like a 12 year old girl.
Sandy: Haters gonna hate.
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Mantra for those unwilling or unable to accept any kind of criticism, or simply too mentally deficient to come up with an articulate response
...Insert any entirely valid criticism here...
Haters gonna hate
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I'm not gonna lie, this statement is the most overused phrase in probably every high school and and college.
The phrase is used when the speaker wants to inform the listeners that he/she is not lying. The phrase can be taken two different ways with the listener; A. The speaker could be lying, but he is just saying 'I'm not gonna lie' just so i don't suspect that he is in fact lying or B. The speaker is genuinely telling the truth.
If you are planning on using a catch phrase, I'm not gonna lie, if you use this phrase I will beat you with a stick.
A. *Talking to someone with a really ugly sweater* "I'm not gonna lie, your sweater looks really awesome."
B. *Talking to someone with some really awesome shoes* "I'm not gonna lie, you got some tight kicks."
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When an Apple user thatβs typing random words and end up with Iβm gonna gay.
Yo Christian Iβm gonna gay.
Send Nudes or Iβm gonna gay.
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A term used for two guyys to ask eachother. They are usually seeing who should go after a hot girl.
Guy 1: Look at the hottie.
Guy 2: Are you gonna tap that?
Guy 1: Hell yeah!
Guy 2: ightttt man, right into her pants
Guy !; Hell yes.
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