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something's gotta pop

a maddening situation in which someone can't walk and the other person can't drive.

1. we can't go to the dance cuz you can't walk.
2. we can't drive to the dance cuz i can't drive.
3. this program has to end, and something's gotta pop.
4. lassy is disgusted.

by agent LID January 8, 2013

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Something's gotta give

When a situation is not changing and eventually it gets too big to handle. There has to be a change or else....

They keep getting into altercations that's getting worst! Something's gotta give!

by WhyTiaJustStopit April 25, 2022

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gotta move faster

A phrase used in the In The Groove (ITG) dance game community to express the idea that no matter how fast they have rate modded a song, they need to move faster in order to be good.

Mad Matt: "I just passed One More Lovely on 1.1x rate."

Someone else: "Gotta move faster!"

by zakatakx December 2, 2009

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mans gotta eat

Men = Hungry

Big Deej: "yo bro feeling dutty, mans gotta eat!!!"

Jack: "yes blud safe"

by J-Dutty June 8, 2017

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A man's gotta eat

An expression offered by a friend when he knows that he has spent the night with a girl of below average looks/intelligence or above average weight.
It is often due to the fact that they are in the middle of a dry spell and merely need something to tide them over until something more appetising comes along.

Chris-"Please tell me you didn't get your nuts in with that fatty from the club last night"
Bowler-"Well, yes I did, I'm going through bit of a dry spell at the moment you see, and after all, A man's gotta eat"

by Chris VG June 7, 2007

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gotta git get

have to go to the bathroom

I'll be right with you but first I gotta git get.

by vinbok June 16, 2009

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I gotta go

Phrase stated when person #1 is bored/unfascinated with person #2 and wants to get on with their life.

Often stated as "I gtg."

Person #1- Hey do you wanna go to Linda's party tomorrow night? It'll be really fun and a lot of our friends are gonna come.
Person #2- k
Person #1- I gtg.

Person #1-Blah, blah blah, my friend, blah, so much fun, blah, lol
Person #2- I gotta go.

by Gtg!!! June 13, 2011

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