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Question Gravity

A satirical campaign launched by Chattiestspike2 Ministries International that supposedly questions the scientific claims and evidence for gravity. It's a direct knockoff of creation.com's "Question Evolution" campaign and is meant to demonstrate how stupid one sounds when questioning solid scientific theories with ridiculous questions.

Yeah I've heard of the Question Evolution campaign. It's just as good as the Question Gravity campaign.

by chattiestspike July 14, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gravity Bong

Ok let me throw some insight on how to really hit a gravity bong and the science behind how it works. First off a gravity bong uses water pressure to pull heat into the bowl as your toasting it. You can easily snap a bowl if you dont watch it, which in turn will put you into another D. Ok so the first step in making one of these goes with whatever jug, bottle you like. Remove to bottom( i like to have about a little more than 2/3rds left. With the cap make a pinki size hole. Put a slider in the hole, or a socket, or a pen tube, or just a foil bowl. That depends on what you like to use. Submerdge the bottle before you have the cap on, unless you want wet weed. You then place the cap which has your weed on. Light the bowl and as your lighting pull the bottle up. When the amount of smoke you like is in you remove the cap place mouth on and push the bottle into the water. This is the best way as the smoke will get deep into your respiratory system. This is better than sucking in the smoke. For a quick anatomy lesson. When smoke is forced rather than sucked it gets deep into your lungs, hell it gets in your respiratory system. This just makes the high crazy. Good luck and remember to have fun.

I use a 3 litter bottle or a 20 fl oz bottle, this is depending on how messed i want to get. Remember the larger volume of a bottle the more air is going to pulled from the bowl generating heat.... i.e- Those hits were massive from the gravity bong.

by Sexnserial January 31, 2010

70๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

gravity hammer

A weapon in halo three used by noobs to kill other noobs

noob 1: OMG a guy with a gravity hammer!!!!


by s98 October 12, 2007

26๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gravity Invites

A gravity invite is when someone is so excited to invite someone to their party, shin-dig or box-social, that they invite everyone/anything within their vicinity. They may also invite anyone that is associated with that person.

Craig: Hey Greg! You should totally come to my party, its gonna be super-stylin! Hey Jenny you should come too and bring the guy in that yellow shirt..
Jenny: Thats Paul the rapist....
Craig: Greg do you know Paul?
Greg: He once butt fucked me without consent...
Craig: Awesome, he is invited
Paul: Cool... I will bring my butt fucking gear. Thank god for gravity invites

by Hsoj!!! August 24, 2009

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Gravity Driving

The act of letting the car slide while being on Neutral.
Gravity Drive is often used after accelerating and then shifting to Neutral, to save gas when critically needed.

"Boris, you're low on gas. You should consider Gravity Driving until we get to a gas station."

by Asaf August 14, 2005

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Gravity Peel

The act of lifting or adjusting ones leg in an attempt to unnoticeably allow ones sweaty balls to peel from their leg.

Person 1: "Woah, that dude is totally doing the gravity peel."

Person 2: "Well, it is hot in here."

by Tdbehmster May 16, 2014

Cold Gravity

Meaning of loneliness and depressed/lonely and sad
>when you're lonely you have a feeling like it's cold
>when you're depressed you feel like the loneliness and sadness is pulling you down like gravity

I feel like I'm cold gravity

by JustMeGuys April 17, 2020