a name you give to any D.U.F.F. (Designated Ugly Fat Friend). call her Hillary as in Hillary DUFF. they wont get it and you can keep calling them fat without them knowing.
To the girl who looks like a Hillary Duff: Hey girl you look like a Hillary!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
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A guilty pleasure. Despite a lack of any talent, she'd still be worth a ride. See also Jailbait
Hillary Duff, giggedy giggedy gigg-e-dy.
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Hillary's mumu is a dress/night gown/hospital type clothing device which is used to hide all of the apparatuses holding her moldy body together. To show weakness or physical impairment would show her to be even more weak than most already know. Take note of this robe at Ozy fest in late July 2018. One can clearly see she is using said mumu to conceal yet even more injuries et al. She is also known to wear a back brace hidden under a "Kim Jong Un pants coat" to conceal even more injuries. This is NOT what you wear in public unless you decide to be humiliated for the rest of your natural life.
Hillary's mumu is used to hide bodily injuries from the suspecting American populace. To show injury contradicts power achieved.
The thought of Hillary being President that scare you so much it puts you in shock.
The presidential debate with Hillary and Trump put me in Hillary shock.
any woman who refuses to satisfy a mans normal sexual desires. Has also come to mean any difficult job or task.
This brake job is being a rotten hillary.I think i just twisted my nuts off.
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a stupid asshole bich that fuked aaron carter
Hillary Duff is a slut
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hilllary duff is a fuck of. she is the worst singer and actress to ever walk this fucked up planet!!!! how could people listen to such foul shit??? i do not suffer frombrain damage u fucks out there standing up for that slut!!! you are the one that suffers from brain damage. look at what she has done to the children!!! please help suprt the hillary haters. my sisters are in danger!!!!! hillary is slowly killing our siblings. poisonig there preciouse minds(my spelling sucks forgive me) she has brain washed so many we have lost so many children. and if she somehow takes over the world with her little prepy 10-year-olds me along with the rest of the smart people will have 2 kill ourselvs just save us from her foulness. and i am NOT a good charlotte fan and i honstly dont give a shit if she goes out with joel or whatever his name is. but i feel bad for the poeple who have lost him because of hillary..... and for the last fucking time she is pop not punk not rock. just pop!!!11 i actulay dont think that is even music she sounds like shes on heleum constapated with the voice of a dieng toad. and her looks....my goodnes were will i start.... she looks like a fucking chubaka....better yet shes an insult to chubaka!!!! under all of that make up is an ugly cross between chubak, a toad, sasquach, and radkill for fuck sake!!!! u guys out there say ing shes hot.. you guys say that because your to ugly to get a fucking girlfriend u cunts!!!! hillary duff is a insult to man kind. shes an inult to everything damn it! shes such a slut. im suprised she didnt make me blind....or death...im suprised she didnt kill me becuse of the shit she sells. and anotherthing how can anyone be jelouse of that fag pice of shit???shes an ugly whore and she cant sing if her life depended on it. honestly u think that we r jeoulus??? we r fedup with her shit we want her to burn in motherfucking hell!!!!!!!!! she should do us all a favor and jump of a cliff and die a brutal death befor we start a riot..........well i can go on for hours but i need my rest and i also must insult some other sluts like her....good day.
P.S. for the sake of the children make the insanity stop!!!!
like oh mu gawd hillary duff is like so hottt i wanna like make out with her cuz im a slunty whore like her...like yeah
me:takes chainsaw and kills all preaps*die fuckers!!!!!die!!!!!
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