A young lad with a more than average almost suspicious skill level in IB Biology. A mix of different races and identities. He stays in dark until the Bio teacher asks a question. Bio Boi is always on the lookout for thick juicy trans fatty acids or Complex interesting polysaccharides. Bio Boi is self-sustaining as his Calvin cycle is Moy bien. Finally, he often likes to refer to anything sexual in Biological terms.
Me:"oh damn, she thicc"
Bio boi: "here gluteus maximus sure is of an increased size"
Me: "I'm hungry
Bio Boi: "My cells need to respirate, I need nutrition in the form of proteins and Unsaturated fatty acids."
Me: "do you even lift bro?"
Bio Boi: "My Amino acids are at work and my muscle fibre is doing their job."
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A young lad with a more than average almost suspicious skill level in IB Biology. A mix of different races and identities. He stays in dark until the Bio teacher asks a question. Bio Boi is always on the lookout for thick juicy trans fatty acids or Complex interesting polysaccharides. Bio Boi is self-sustaining as his Calvin cycle is Moy bien. Finally, he often likes to refer to anything sexual in Biological terms.
Hey, Bio Boi
Me: "Damn she thicc"
Bio Boi: "Damn she showing of dem Fatty Acids in her glueteus maximus, my gamets wanna swim!"
Bio Boi: "Hey fellow Homo Sapiens, How's your synapses going"
Me: "Why is my GF so moody"
Bio Bio: "I guess her membrane has become a corpus luteum just wait till it dissolves in the ovaries"
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Bio-straight is a straight person whom are only attracted/intrested in people who are the opposite sex and identify as thay were born.
A man intrested in a bialogical woman.
I am only interested in bialogical women, not trans women I am bio-straight
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A group of friends who meet during freshman year of biology. They grow inseparable and when they separate it's like oil and vinegar. Some members may explode easily and others may stay chillax but there's not denying that these friends have something speical. The Biology part is merely an additional bonus when they ace that class. These friends will be so much more than biology partners but best friends and the kind where you can throw bras at. They will even stay friends a lot longer than high school even though they will separate eventually. The Bio Bunch only travels in packs of 4s and must comprise of a square, an almost hipster, a fresh ski, and an almost annoying extrovert. Yes, this magic foursome will comprise the unstoppable Bio Bunch.
foursome best friends clique
Look at that group! They are just too cool.
Man, that's for sure some serious Bio Bunch!
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Slang term for hooking up or having sex.
After we had drinks, the new girl in accounting and I went back to my place for a little "bio engineering"!
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To prepare the creamiest, thickest milkshake ever made. Can only be done by someone with a biology degree.
Get him to bio engineer me a milkshake
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