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A sweet amazing kind girl with a big heart but Is also very two-faced. Is scared to do anything but acts like the biggest bitch. And usually her father is a prick that she tells everything to. But overall Jillian is a nice, brilliant chick!

Cody- “Dude Jillian is so cool!”
Aaron- “Watch how close you get to her she’s great but she’s not someone to open up with”

by Idc_what y’all haters say_ February 12, 2018


A girl who cannot decide who to like and usually likes boys named Yusuf. Boys obviously like her but she’s too shy to make a move

Jillian LOVES yusuf

by Anonymous9890 July 11, 2023


Just don’t be friends with someone like this she’s very beautiful at times and sometimes she looks like a booty

And that’s all for Jillian 😂

by Krienke_25 February 21, 2020


Jillian is a friend who is nice most the time but if someone gets on her nerve she will tell you the truth to your face over all she is a fun person to be around just don’t make her mad

Girl - your so stupid

Jillian- don’t test me

by February 6, 2022


A total whore. Probably the most fake person you will ever meet. Usually dates every guy that she meets and then is a teen pregnancy. Absolute TRASH. Never hangout with Jillians. They SUCK.

Oh God. Jillian is here


Jillian the biggest hoe to ever live

Ohhh makes sense! Haha


by NotMuch2It July 17, 2020


Jillian is the biggest thot you will ever meet. THEY ARE TRASH. NEVER surround yourself with a Jillian. They suck and are DISCUSTENG. They are usually teen pregnancies. Hate them. Don’t waste your time on them. Just don’t.


by NotMuch2It July 17, 2020


Jillian is a girl you probably don’t know because she is my friend!I have a friend named Jillian Hegner.She can be really bossy.She is short,skinny,and has very long hair.She is basically the opposite of me tall and ugly

???:How did that ugly girl get a friend so pretty
????:oh that’s Adrianna and Jillian

by KIT_KATZZZZZ November 28, 2019