Jimbo jimbo is an exclamation in which the user can be expressing various emotions (depending on their pitch) the word was first used when a boy and his squad were landing paradise and there was a crap tonne of yung thugs also landing there. The boy had no words to describe his emotion so bleated out the first words that came to his mind.
Jeez there is a lot of yung thigs at paradise , Jimbo Jimbo!!!
Th Worst NHL GM of our Gen 2021
It’s pretty self explanatory Jumbo Jimbo
Wise words said by Sir.Maqsomachikon alias FuriousDude.
It could have different meanings.
You can create your own meaning for it!
Furious Dude: kosama majboosha jimbo
Random Dude: What does that even mean?!
Furious Dude: Your wish, I suppose.
Slapping your significant other in the face with your fecal covered member then pissing on their face.
My date last night was crazy! He gave me a wacky jimbo