A man that is very kind and charming. He appears to be the next Prince Charming up to the moment when he realizes that she's not going to let him fuck her on the first date.
I met this cute boy from tinder. Turns out he's a total Judas
An individual (Ankit) who sells out his/her friends for their own personal benefit.
A Judas dart is a cigarette that exceeds all expectations, also known as dart of the day. Usually rolled from a crisp new pouch of port royal tobacco.
Person 1: "hows that durrie treat you mate?"
Person 2, in absolute dart euphoria: "mate this is it, the fucking judas dart"
Person 1: "wow"
Alexander Anderson, character from Hellsing series was refered to as judas priest
- He is Alexander Anderson!!
- Who?
- Judas Priest!
- Like that music band?
One of the most influential bands in Heavy metal. Rob Halford is the vocalist of the band and has been influential to alot of metal vocalists today. Judas Priest has influenced power Metal Bands such as ANGRA and Helloween. Helloween has even done a cover of Electric Eye which absolutely slaps.
Rob Halford of Judas Priest is one of the best vocalists ever. The man can scream like a pissed demon.
The best metal band to grace the planet along with Iron Maiden unlike artists today who sing about sex, drugs, and their relationship issues.
Judas Priest is the best planet that God has graced us with.