The cute misunderstood kid in the class
Once I got to know him I realized he was a keenan
probably a nonce, enjoys having sub par hair, will not be liked by many, and has an unhealthy attraction to underage and undersized boys and girls.
"Imagine being Keenan, what a nonce"
Keenan is the human equivalent of a shrimp and his name literally means ANCIENT meaning he’s an ancient being.
The word “simp” is based off of Keenan himself.
Person 1: “Hey Keenan!”
Keenan: “I’ll be there in a sec I’m just dusting this girls shoes because she said she felt a speck of dust on her shoe.”
Person 1:” oh ok.”
The human equivalent of a Shrimp.
The word “simp” was based off of Keenan
Wow what a simp!
Yeah that’s Keenan.
Oh ok.