Source Code

Keyboard Lint

Little bits of material that gather in between the keys on a keyboard. See also pocket lint

Eww, that keyboard is disgusting. Look at all the lint in it.

by diamond April 24, 2005

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Diarrhea of the Keyboard

Uncontrollable rambling via internet - email, blog, instant message, etc. Spin-off of the original phrase "diarrhea of the mouth."

The compulsive blogger suffered a severe case of diarrhea of the keyboard.

by Elimeno Pea October 16, 2011

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Keyboard Tourettes

Occurs when someone becomes annoyed, bored, or simply cannot think of anything else to say in an online or texting conversation. The results can vary in characters and length, depending on how frustrated or bored the person is at that moment. This doesn't usually last long, only for one or two messages and is sometimes followed by an awkward moment where the person is unsure if that was a little too wierd or not.

person 1 - yeah
person 2 - lol
person 1 - =
person 2 - sdrkjgherkjga
person 1 - keyboard tourettes?
person 2 - yep =

by zpu!7 November 19, 2010

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Keyboard Gangster

Their are two definitions to this phrase.

1. A person who attempts to act badass behind their computer screens through their own keyboards. This definition is most commonly used by the populice that was tormented in upper-grade schooling and have no spine to speak of.

2. A person who throughly thrashes definition #1 using intelligence and wit only. This populice most commonly keeps to themselves until some fool comes along that needs to be slapped down properly, they do not go around looking to be badass, they just happen to have it come to them.

Def#1: blahblahyour an idiot i am great.

Def#2: instead of trying to be a keyboard gangster why not simply learn the definitions of the words you intend to use in everyday life, please vacate the premises before i make you feel as dumb as you look right now.

by Ender$follower December 15, 2008

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rgb keyboard

The true gamer input device

Gamer: look at me rgb mechanical keyboard
Noob: i have normal keyboard but its good
Rgb keyboard

by Indy yes October 21, 2019

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keyboard combinations

when you bored you bored

bro im bored imma do some keyboard combinations

by wsxrfvyhnikpqazedctgbujmolp June 16, 2021

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keyboard drivers

A term for pirated software and such. Generally used when trying to disguise an attempt to find pirated software etc.
see: warez

Does anybody know where to find some good keyboard drivers?

That site has some good keyboard drivers. You should check it out.

by 26sideddice April 20, 2004

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