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Conservative Libertarian

A Conservative Libertarian in the United States is a person that adheres to the constitution as a libertarian does, but will do so in a conservative manner. Conservative Libertarians are conservative in political nature, such as foreign policy, homeland security, and economics while strictly interpreting the constitution as it states. They believe in free rights, liberty, and the opportunity for everyone to make it to the top. Conservative Libertarians leave it up to the individual to determine what is right and wrong for themselves, and leave it up to the states to deal with murder and unjustified actions. Conservative Libertarianism is also a political position that deals with morality and ethical beliefs, based that all men and women are created equal. It is also a political party that does not allow religious beliefs to get in the way of allowing all people (regardless of their background, ethical standpoints, religious standpoints, or sexuality) the promises of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Jim: Hey, John! Did you hear about conservative libertarians? They believe that it is up to the individual to decide what is right for themselves rather than making ridiculous laws that are aimed at 5 people, but directly effect the rest of the state's population! Like the 21 drinking age!

John: Yeah, I heard! And one of their best beliefs is to disregard all religious thinking when running the country to get things done, thinking on morality rather than religion.

Jim: Exactly! It's a shame that they haven't run the country yet because of the damn sheeple we have in this country...

by Chris (Moomba445) M. January 7, 2009

677๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

Libertarian Socialism

Not an oxymoron. In fact, the term "libertarian" was first used by a French anarcho-communist back in 1857 to describe himself (an anarchist). The modern term libertarianism (economic freedoms) was originally called liberalism. The term "libertarian" describes liberty (thus, the term is also used to describe metaphysical liberty within philosophy and metaphysics), and the term socialism describes a society in which wealth is fairly distributed. Thus, it is neither a literal nor a practical contradiction.

A libertarian socialist would argue that a society based on such huge disparities of wealth is unfree. If you wish to enter into employment, you choose first and take orders later (as with liberal democracy). Libertarian socialists believe in voluntary association and economic democracy. This will allow the individual to reach his/her full potential.

The most famous example of successful libertarian socialism is the anarcho-syndicalist experiment in Spain during to Spanish Civil War, which was eventually destroyed by Communists and Fascists (see Orwell' "Homage to Catalonia" for excellent first hand reportage of this). At its peak, the anarchist union (CNT) had one million members.

Although sharing much of (if not all of) the Marxist analysis of capitalism, lib socialists vehemently oppose state socialism, especially the authoritarian socialism of Lenin, Trotsky, Mao and, more recently, the socialism of Hugo Chavez. The modern dispute between the two schools of socialism began in the First International, in which Karl Marx and Mikhail Bakunin bitterly argued over the road socialists should take. This dispute has continued ever since, with many Marxist regimes imprisoning, murdering (Russia), and exiling (Cuba) anarchists.

Modern advocates of libertarian socialism include linguist Noam Chomsky, historian and playwright Howard Zinn, and the Industrial Workers of the World ("One Big Union"), and the International Workers Association (of which the Spanish CNT is its largest affiliate).

by Anarcho-Atheist October 4, 2008

1288๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž


A libertarian who views the abolition of the state as necessary for a free society. Unlike anarcho-capitlaists, an anarcho-libertarian does not seek anarchy as the ultimate goal, but rather as just one facet of a free society.

Libertarians come in all sorts of varieties. Some see the state as necessary for liberty and others see it as a direct violation. Followers of anarcho-libertarianism think the state must be dissolved as part of the process towards freedom.

by Freedomdude August 11, 2009

92๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Social Libertarianism

Social libertarianism is the belief in social liberty, i.e., individual independence and communal autonomy from overarching government or state control.

Social libertarianism reject the concentration of decision-making authority into distant, oligarchical, centralized bureaucracies - federal or monolithic - favoring instead the diffusion and localization of that decision-making authority.

Social libertarianism supports a political, social, and economic environment which allows voluntary accession to associations, but also permits a person to choose to remain free of restraint by society, except in cases in which an individual's claim of freedom interferes with another individual's right to be free from unwarranted, aggressive coercion or harm.

Social libertarianism regards free-market capitalism and democratic, communalistic socialism as equally conducive economic means towards the ends of generalistic liberation from tyranny.

Murray Bookchin's support of decentralized, non-hierarchical communal autonomy, coupled with a belief in individual liberty, indicates that he and his adherents ascribe to social libertarianism.

by rogue-economist January 23, 2011

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Libertarian Waterworld

References the Seasteading Institute's idea in which people live in floating cities on international waters, allowing "the next generation of pioneers to peacefully test new ideas for government."

What are the markings on her back?

Some say it's the way to dry land.

Dry land is a myth.

Libertarian waterworld.

by Weekend At Bernankes August 18, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

libertarian communist

A communist that actually is not a dick (like the winning majority in history have been), thinks you can only have communism if it is based purely on rational human self-interest and desire, and would rather not have a revolution at all than have one that leads to something worse than you started with. A person who wants communism without MarxISM or any other "persons-name-ism".

"My best friend is a libertarian communist -- he reads Noam Chomsky but doesn't call himself a 'Chomskyan'."

by Passion Rabbit June 9, 2009

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Conservative Libertarianism

An Ideology that melds Libertarian and Conservative beliefs. This Ideology may also be called Right-Libertarianism or Libertarian Conservatism.

See also Conservative Libertarian

The Republican Liberty Caucus is an example of an organization the believes in Conservative Libertarianism.

by TheConservativeLibertarian November 13, 2010

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