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The Matrix

a sert of organize numbers that is mostly used on calculators

look on your calculators

by Jesus November 12, 2003

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1. A trilogy of films about the dangers of technology, with influences from religon and philosophy.

2. Star Trek killer, this film is to the Gen X and Y what the themes of Star trek was to the baby boomers.

Unfortunately I cannot tell you what the matrix is, I ahve to who you. So see the movies to learn more.

by Anonymous October 24, 2003

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The Matrix

v. TO BE IN THE MATRIX - means to be high and/or tripping balls.

After about 2 hits Daryl was in the Matrix.

by VodkanLemons November 9, 2005

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the matrix

Some gayfucktarded movie starring some gayfucktarded actor who makes nothing but gayfucktarded movies.

Keanu Reeves is a gay and fucktarded fucktard actor.

by Jorge Carlin December 19, 2004

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An $800 paintball gun that makes a funny plunger sound when fired and uses large amounts of air.

Last weekend at the field I saw two different guys firing matrices.

by nuage August 28, 2003

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The combination of a strain of marijuana known in northeast hoods as "piff" and Black angeldust aka pcp/wet/illy/sherm/butt naked

ME and my nigga pookie just smoked a matrix

That nigga is crazy, heard he's on that matrix!

by BigBirdpiff July 10, 2009

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a good kung fu movie that is not philosophical or remotely about metaphysics

the matrix is kung fu

by dsajfkl;fj;lsa;lfa July 12, 2003

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