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a bunch of dirty beaners thinking their better then everyone else, only working because the jumped the border and are illegal in america and need to work their ass off.

Juan: "man i love being mexican."
Pablo: "your mexican?!"
Juan: "yeah i didn't ask to be mexican i just got lucky!"

by americanprideeee July 20, 2009

32πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž


The language spoken in Mexico, alos known as spanish.

Say it in Mexican.

by Judge dredd7 November 19, 2011

23πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


1.Often used to refer to all Hispanic people.

2. What Spanish is called by some people.

Also, most Mexicans are hard working people. They don't come to here to take advantage of the welfare system or food stamps. Yes, there are some lazy people but if you say all Mexicans are lazy people, then you are stereotyping. There are a lot of people who think the United States is the best country in the world so don't get mad if we're proud of where we came from. They want to support their families, that's why they come here or work such low wage jobs. Those are the only jobs available for them. The jobs you don't want. They are not "wetbacks" "beaners" etc. They are human beings like everyone else. So next time you say something negative about them, imagine if you were in their shoes. Everyone works hard of course but Mexicans aren't the only ones that have some lazy welfare depending people.

1. Person #1: Where are you from?
Person #2: Columbia.
Person #1: Oh you're Mexican!

2. (A group of people are talking in Spanish)
Tom: Why are they saying?
Chris: I don't know, they're speaking Mexican.

by I'mSomeoneYouDontKnow July 21, 2014

20πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


(verb) to be cheap and try to get out of something

Black person: Daniel, you can't mexican your way out of this!

Daniel: Damn it!

by billybobjoerocks April 28, 2009

31πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž


A person of any hispanic decent, also called a spic. These people are often suspected to be illegal immigrants because most don't wait to file citizenship information like Europeans do. These people normally smell like mushrooms, transfer drugs from Mexico into America, and steal work from born Americans.

There was a van filled with Mexicans illegally entering America!

by niggerh8er69 April 1, 2010

31πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž


the damn person who stole my job and mows my yard but i still pay them

that damn mexican stole my job

by job stealer September 9, 2019

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A person of mexican descent (beaner), who can be usually found in their trailer. They usually roam in packs ranging from 5-46 most likely riding in the back of an old beat up low riding flat bed truck with plastic spinners from the local dollar store yelling "dude what the flip! Viva mehico!" in their stupid mexican accents. They are found wearing wife beaters and g-unit memmorabilla (bling).

Normal person: Why are you such a beaner?
Mexican (Usually named Juan, Jose, Julio, or JD): I don’t know man but you know that they have a new crunch wrap supreme at taco bell for 66 pesos! And then we might have enough pesos to hit up the dollar store and buy some tamales!

by Dekarius Dekarion Browning July 7, 2006

29πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž