Similar to pics or GTFO, a phrase used jokingly as an ultimatum to new members of a community who mention books to upload a copy or to "get the **** out."
Cassandra1980: Hi guys, you all should read the new Steve Jobs biography
P3rv69: mobi or GTFO!
Cassandra1980: =|
P3rv69: :P
Holder of small dick and brain.
Don't know how to satisfy women and probably the female partner need to teach.
Sad life, and pathetic. May live a short life.
A three foot tall umm...Toy that may or may not make a woman or gay mane extremely open if you know what I mean.
OwO senpai shove the big moby in me ooohhhh oni chan kawaii *passes out*.
It's a 3 inch dildo.
It's a baby Moby huge.
The Moby small is a 3 inch dildo that's only for car guys because the Moby huge is for MEN.
It's a 3 inch dildo.
It's a baby Moby huge.
The Moby small is a 3 inch dildo for car guys because the Moby huge is for MEN.
A different version of moby dick that is a huge duchebag. He eats dick and sucks balls.
Hey Bill, I found a moby douche in the ocean. It appears he has a huge cock in his mouth
A very large woman that at first glance could be mistaken for a whale and harpooned on the spot who also just sucks at life and is a total fuck.
Shit, that girls a total Moby Bitch