A dyke bitch with lopsided pussy who’s weave always falling out who turns fully nigga in the day time then at night a bitch
There that nigga bitch go again
Ouu that nigga bitch fineeee
A term commonly used when one individual is so mind numbingly stupid that you have to combine the words nigga and bitch to really get your point across.
“Y’all know that guy requis? Yea, he’s a real fuckin nigga bitch.”
Probably some bitch ass nigga from art class period 3 who talks all that, probably has orange hair and is a stupid ass bitch
Guy 1 “Yo you know that Stupid ass bitch ass nigga ass bitch from art class period 3?”
Guy 2 “yeah I know that Stupid ass bitch ass nigga ass bitch!”
Any man with the name Tyler or Jackson is considered the bitchest of the niggas
Yoooo them duds Jackson and tyler be some some bitch niggas
A derogative term for a person you dislike.
That bitch nigga, James, stole my Air Jordans.
Straight dope: A Bitch nigga is a man that is triflin and fails to stand up when legitimately challenged. AKA a worthless punkass bitch. OG correction implied/presented. With respect
You know that triflin-ass motherfucker has always been a bitch nigga.