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It's like a bitch, but they're just selling their self/flexing on people on the Internet pretty much.

Language: German.


by DaRealKreekyBoiii July 23, 2019


Nutte is a word that means : whore, bitch, hoe
used in germany for girls that sleep with many dudes

guck mal da ist die nutte emily

by March 26, 2024


"Nutte" comes from the German word "nett" wich means nice. It's a term for a very friendly and likable girl. Don't be shy to call your German crush a "Nutte"! She will love you and marry you for it!

"Ey du bist voll die Nutte"
"Halt die Fresse, du Hurensohn"

by Du hurensohn ❤️ November 23, 2023

Nutt poops

The excretion of semen from a vagina after intercourse.

Yo bro, my girl and I are trying to get pregnant, she’s had maaad nutt poops lately.

by Nuttpoops October 1, 2022

Nutt Bubble

A sexual term for nipples, typically a woman's.

Dude 1: I just got a fatass wood.

Dude 2: Why?

Dude 1: From seeing that girls nutt bubbles through her shirt.

Dude 2: Fasho!

by 95db8 December 23, 2009

honey nutt

when you nutt but yo girll yell HONEY NUTT CHERRIO but then you notice that her x nam is honey and then yo lik nah and you hit her and kill her and then hit her from behind and then dump her body at her x and fram her and then leave the contry and then u good

i honey nutted on her back

by honeynuttedonher April 3, 2017

buck nutt

a buck nutt is something that smells like a bucks/ bulls nut

ewwww likly smells like a buck nutt

by hi69696966969382 April 28, 2019