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jim-pam relationship

A fliratious relationshp between two "friends" in the workplace.

I'm thinking of getting a Jim-Pam relationship going with that cute new girl in marketing.

by Shrute Farms March 1, 2010

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yes ma'am pam

another way of saying "hell yeah" or "thats good"

Brandon: I got paid today.
Chris: Yes maam pam. Thats whats up.

by Bottom boots sister March 6, 2005

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No ma'am Ms. Pam

"No ma'am Ms. Pam" means to not like, to dis-agree, to make fun of a person, place, thing or idea.

2 friends at the mall:

Friend 1: Look at that girl over there with that dull wig on her head. lol

Friend 2: Chil, that's a hot mess ! No ma'am Ms. Pam !

by remj_atl February 18, 2011

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Pam from accounting

An unpleasant person who always has to argue, say something negative, or give bad news.

Also known as "Karen" or "Debbie Downer".

X: What a beautiful day it is today.
Y: A little too windy for my taste. Better enjoy it. It's supposed to rain tomorrow.

X: Thanks, Pam from accounting.

by SaraBeth873 October 23, 2022

Pam Birthday Drunk

A scale to measure the amount of drunkenness you are or are becoming. Usually happens at peoples birthday parties.

"How Drunk where you last night ?" - Sum
"Well I was one shot away from Pam's Birthday Drunk " - Julien
"Oh man, that deep of drunk. Thats rough." - Sum

I got Pam Birthday Drunk last night.

by sailorpax January 17, 2017

Three Steaks Pam

Someone who would happily eat 3 steaks in one sitting. This shouldnโ€™t be seen as a negative, more of an honour.

"'Oh, do you know what my wife Pamela had last night? Do you know what my fat, disgusting wide Pamela had? Three steaks.' Then they'll tell their wives and before you know it, I'll be known as Three Steaks Pam."

by Shiftybadger November 29, 2018

Pam Gone H.A.M.

Deffiently not something you wanna find out. She can deffiently whoop some butt. If you ever have a chance to see what happens when she does go h.a.m must be your worst nightmare of a day.

Person 1~ Dude... What happened?
Person 2~ Pam Gone H.A.M. on me...
Person 1~ Man..... Your still alive?!

by OtterTot January 24, 2012

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