v. The phenomenon where multiple heads are observed to pop up above the partitions in a cube farm in rapid succession.
Someone farted and the whole fuckin office went prairie doggin.
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The act of noodlinginside a person’s (preferably a young girl of slight stature)rectum whilst they are prairie dogging
Grandson:Hey grandpa, want to go prairie noodling?
Grandpa:I can’t since your mother has grown up and filed a lawsuit against your father and I for doing it to the dog
When a male during sexual intercourse begins to prairie dog while dipping the dog into the anus performing sexual stimulation with a turd.
Hey bro,see that chick over there.She let medo the prairie dog her at her sisters wedding reception.
A fancy Midwest drink consisting of bud light, tomato juice and olives.
Bartender Kyle made me a Prairie Cocktail. It was delicious.
A state of catatonia induced by looking at a landscape so featureless and without landmark, one can literally see the curvature of the Earth because of how dull these plains are. Most commonly occurs in southern Idaho, US, especially on road trips.
G: It's so flat and without anything! It's lifeless! Nothing exists! I don't exist! There is no such thing as reality, consequence, or the state of mortal existence!
T: Oh fuck, G's got Prairie Madness
Heaven on earth. The best small town in the world. The best people and they also have the best barber named Easton. If your lucky enough to live in "PG" then you most likely love Bon fires, beer, and razorback football.
You live in prairie grove? You lucky dog.
Prairie dogging (verb),
any of a genus (Cynomys) of gregarious burrowing rodents of the squirrel family chiefly of central and western U.S. plains
especially : a black-tailed rodent (C. ludovicianus) that usually lives in extensive colonial office spaces.
Definition: to pop up like a prairie dog in an office setting and look around the room from ones cubicle for a few seconds. Often done at near simultaneous times by other employees (prairie dogs) in said environment. Looks similar to skill based games where one attempts to smash down the prairie dogs with a padded hammer.
I was prairie dogging at work from my cubicle and I saw the some guy pat the boss on his butt and the boss winked back.