Something they make at a factory.
Part of hell had broken loose during the pestilence, which was concerning since nobody had yet determind which part it was, or where to put it once they got it back with the rest of hell. It was like a puzzle with a piece missing.
Her and her husband had been like like 2 pieces to a 2 piece puzzle, then Leroy came along and fucked up the balance to the puzzle, so her husband Jigsaw became a serial killer and cut Leroy into several pieces so that not all his pieces were there anymore after that.
Leroy ended up like a jigsaw puzzle with a few pieces missing after her husband Jigsaw finished his game, and Leroy lost.
the result of a business making the worst possible decisions every step of the way such that employees are left with nary a clue about what they are accomplishing or how to accomplish whatever the hell the business's goal is
dude. did you see the attendees for the afternoon methodology meeting? literally nobody from methodology is included. this is such a dumb puzzle.
When two sexual partners cut out a square of their skin, cut the square into puzzle shapes, and sew them into each other’s skin while masturbating violently.
Yo me and Johnny boi were just doing the act nuzzle puzzle in the back room while Jim John Father Don was on break.
When you’re waiting on an Amazon return to be credited to your account so you can buy something else but by the time you add your new item to cart your wife has already spent the credit.
I’m puzzled as to why the credit is not reflecting on the checkout.
Never mind… I see what she did
The way people walk around in 2020 - walking.. starring as if nothing makes sense *almost looking constipated*
Boomer: Ron, Why do those young kids over there look like they just smoked purp skerp??
Ron: Nawh, thatsa just how they look nowadays - puzzled is what makes sense.
Boomer: Imagine?
Ron: 'Magin