Source Code

what has 4 letters and sometimes has 9

a statement, because w-h-a-t has 4 letters and s-o-m-e-t-i-m-e-s has nine.

freind 1: What has 4 letters and sometimes has 9?
feind 2: Impossible!
fiend 1: its a statement
friend 2: good one. now go away

by ishu4 May 1, 2023

Hey Mom - all guys do this - sometimes with other guys!

Hey Mom - all guys do this - sometimes with other guys!

"Hey Mom - all guys do this - sometimes with other guys!" is what I told my Mom when she caught me and a friend jacking off together!

by USAF Cadet September 4, 2021

133👍 200👎

Sometimes it's hard to resist the urge to drive right off a fucking bridge

man drives right off a fucking bridge

Man: Sometimes it's hard to resist the urge to drive right off a fucking bridge HHHhahaha oh look there's one

by Mort got us in a fukin carwrek June 24, 2021

9👍 1👎

sometimes you just gotta eat kraft mac n cheese

kraft mac n cheese sucks and is not real macaroni and cheese yet sometimes you have to just do what you don’t want to; hence, sometimes you just gotta eat kraft mac n cheese

person a: i wanna go to the game but my mom is making me watch my brother.

person b: sometimes you just gotta eat kraft mac n cheese bro.

by ndjsikslsosudhbdd May 1, 2018

5👍 1👎

ᗷᕼᑌᗴᔕᒍYᗴᔕ 🤷sometimes✨i🙁don't😢wanna😱be😼happy🧚don't✋hold😇it🤪against😈me🙆

ᗷᕼᑌᗴᔕᒍYᗴᔕ 🤷sometimes✨i🙁don't😢wanna😱be😼happy🧚don't✋hold😇it🤪against😈me🙆

ᗷᕼᑌᗴᔕᒍYᗴᔕ 🤷sometimes✨i🙁don't😢wanna😱be😼happy🧚don't✋hold😇it🤪against😈me🙆

by aabcshsdjekaeka October 22, 2020

7👍 28👎

Sometiming Dick

Sex from a man not as often as you like or when he wants it, but not when you want it.

He wanted pussy last week and he got it. You want dick now and he can't "guarantee" it. - Sometiming Dick

by Nicky Bobbi September 23, 2022

sisheng (sometimes mike)

a motha'fuckin' wimpy twig bitch who flinches at napkins and cant make deviled eggs to save a life

Sisheng (sometimes mike) is a motherfucking bitch that can't cook.

by squigglyb November 24, 2021