Any type of sexual fantasy between a young caucasian male and a cartoon character, doll, or any fictional female figure (like rainbow sprite). This obsession causes the owning (and/or, becoming) a filipino sex slave and lynching a black co-worker, friend, or peer, only after drugging his can of sprite with a rainbow assortment of drugs. The young caucasian then procedes to draw a picture of the entire lynch scean, as the filipino sex slave(s) strawberry shortcake the black friend.
Doug: Wow that kid is messed up!
Lou: Why? What he do Doug?
Doug: He rainbow sprited his buddy Zak.
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A ghetto sprite is a recipe for a drink that is similar to a sprite but will cost nothing (with free refills) at the restaurant. If you cannot order a Sprite due to low funds or simply you are a cheap ass. Then a GHETTO SPRITE will suffice. A Ghetto SPrite is a glass of Ice water with a lemon. It may be the closest thing to a actual soft drink, but without the cost..
What would you like to drink??....Customer A: a Iced Tea,... Customer B: a Diet Coke... Customer Three... A Ice water with lemon.... (aka a GHETTO SPRITE.).. This third customer is not going to tip you very well.
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Sprite from McDonalds, commonly referred to as McDank’s, or Dank’s
“Bro this is some gay sprite”
“For real? Lemme try”
“Goddamn this shit homosexual”
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A synonym for an alcoholic beverage. Generally euphemistic or comedic in nature.
Person A: What are you drinking?
Person B, intoxicated: Blue Sprite!
A term referring to male ejaculant infected with chlamydia
Taylor: nick came all over my hair with his damn sprite sauce again!
Sarah: that sucks.
The holiest drink created by man through the recipe from niggas
Nigga imma beat yo ass up u don't drink cranberry sprite nigga
A short thin woman, typically with an expressive extroverted personality that is quick to anger, who is attracted to tall fat men who typically are reserved introverted and calm
Man, we should’ve guessed that Mya would’ve been a Whale Sprite. She needs someone to balance her out