A term used by native Australians, meaning that their baby has actually been taken by a dingo.
Aborginals commonly use this, as they are the only ones stupid enough to get their baby taken by wildlife.
More often referred to as "DINGO STOLE ME FUCKEN BABY"
Aborginal 1: "Dingo stole me baby!"
White guy: "Fucking nice one mate!"
A mixture of “I’m lost for words” and “you took my breath away”. Happens when you forget what you were going to say, or when someone says what you were going to say.
“Hey, you know what this reminds me of?” - James
“What?” - Luke
“Oh shit I forgot, someone stole my words.” - James
A girl sat at the gas station I work at for hours late night because...
A retard "Well I see why..."
Hym "And I'm quoting her (by the way) 'MY boyfriend stole my car so...' So no. THIS is not why you're not fucking me you stupid bitch. THIS is not the thing. It's always 'MY boyfriend to stole car' and 'I'm molesting a retard at work' and 'MY husband slapped the absolute piss out of me' but THIS is where you draw the line? This? No. That isn't what's happening here. You are delusional."
A easy way to find which plubflub stole your iPhone block and cable
Alright, which one of you plubflubs stole my I pad charger block and cable?
Cody... I wrote a bible... Do you seriously think I don't know how a Christianity works? A 3rd of my screen time is apologetics and theology! What are you fucking talking about?
Shit-lib "They STOLE Christianity, guys! The only REALLY Christianity is whichever of the 40,000-55,000 denominations that don't conflict with my liberal social values!"
Hym "You know I wanted to add a 'DERRRR!' there, right? I wrote a bible Cody! The ULTIMATE hypertext! THE SUPER-OMEGA BIBLE SUPREME! In store now! $21.85! And that isn't a typo! There is only 1 store... That sells it! The ULTIMATE store! The only store than matters! You know the one!"
meaning to take something from someone and be a big BITCH abt it!
"you stoled my candy😔"